Thursday, October 17, 2024

‘The Knight-Scholars are at labor’

Belated congratulations to the brethren of Academia Lux Borealis 25, the lodge of Masonic research and education chartered early this year by the Grand Lodge of Alaska.

This grand jurisdiction has the smallest membership in the United States, with 1,377 accounted in 2023, yet the 665,000 square miles of The Last Frontier make it the largest state in our country. Unsurprisingly, this lodge meets online, monthly on fourth Wednesdays at 7 p.m. local time. So the coming meeting, for example, will be next Wednesday at three o’clock Eastern.

By Travis Simpkins
The lodge’s website conveys the inspiring story of how ALB came into existence, which you can read here. Secretary John May is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge and current Grand Treasurer too, suggesting it’s good to have friends in high places.

But not every gathering is virtual; the brethren meet in person on weekends. In spring and fall, they congregate for their retreats; the Autumnal Retreat was last weekend, in fact. The rules say due and timely notice is disseminated to the brethren ninety days in advance; reply is required; and a request to be excused is mandatory for those who cannot attend.

From the bylaws. Click to enlarge.

Keeping everything simple is a great way to meet on the Level. Setting annual dues at $175 should bolster participation.

Perhaps the most revealing page on the lodge’s website provides the Obligation:

Obligation of Academia Lux Borealis

Darkness gathers and my labor, my quest now begins.
I will be chivalrous, inquisitive, and righteous.
I will take the less traveled, mysterious paths.
I will be without fear in the face of ignorance, tyranny, and fanaticism.
I will always seek and speak the truth, even if it leads to my death.
I shall cast off ego, wear no crowns, and win no glory.
I will live and die at my labors.
I am he that builds, maintains, and sustains the Temple.
I bring Light to the darkness.
I am the sword and shield that guards the Craft, the dawn that wakes the sleepers, a Knight-Scholar of Alaska.
I am the fire that burns against the cold, of the Light that brings enlightenment, the quill and candle of knowledge.
I obligate my labors, my quest to the glory of the Great Creator, henceforth.
It shall not end until my death.

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