Friday, August 16, 2024

‘A Friday the 13th Masonic Moment’


You’re in luck! Mitch Horowitz will return to Masonic Hall next month for “The Masonic Moment,” a speaking engagement hosted by Aurora Grata-Day Star Lodge 647. From the publicity:

On this special Friday the 13th lecture, historian and scholar of esotericism Mitch Horowitz will explore the origins, meanings, and purposes of modern “secret societies.” Rather than sinister power centers, authentic esoteric thought movements, including Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Illuminism, vouchsafe esoteric ideals from deep within ancient and modern traditions and use symbolical philosophy as a means to ethical self-development. Mitch makes particular note of Masonry’s role in instilling values of ecumenism and protection of the individual search for meaning in America—and how Masonry may yet rescue us from the descent of factionalist politics and culture.

As always, Mitch allows ample time for exchange. Following the talk, he will sign copies of his book Modern Occultism.

Tickets, at $40 each, here.

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