Saturday, June 29, 2024

‘Masonic Ph.D. program in Scotland’

Magpie file photo
Robert Burns in bronze in Central Park.

A Ph.D. program at the University of Glasgow is of interest to Freemasons. Just my rotten luck, as I’m about to commence studies in trainspotting, but maybe this is right for you. From the publicity:

The Scottish Masonic Scholarship

A Ph.D. scholarship on the topic of Robert Burns and Freemasonry, funded by Scottish Freemasons, is offered at the University of Glasgow. Full-time fees and stipend are included for a period of three years.

The successful candidate will have access to Masonic archives and collections in Edinburgh and elsewhere, and also will undertake some travel for research purposes to other places. The Ph.D. scholar will be expected to work on outreach activity, including contributing to the curation of an exhibition and delivering presentations on “Burns & Masonry.”

The scholar will be supervised and have access to resources from within the world-class Centre for Robert Burns Studies (recipient of the prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2023). 

Candidates need to apply by July 31 with a cover letter, full curriculum vitae, and two academic references to Professor Gerry Carruthers here.

Selection will follow an interview and a pro forma application to the Graduate School of the College of Arts and Humanities at Glasgow. Informal enquiries to Prof. Carruthers are welcome in the first instance.

Thanks, Brent!

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