Tuesday, May 28, 2024

‘A big anniversary and a St. John’s Day procession’

Williamsburg Lodge 6

Williamsburg Lodge 6 in Virginia has a great day planned to mark both St. John
s Day and the lodges semiquincentennial birthday. Next month, the brethren, bolstered by the presence of Grand Master Jack Lewis, will open a public meeting of the lodge before heading outdoors. From the publicity:

Williamsburg Lodge 6 AF&AM
233 East Francis Street
Williamsburg, Virginia
Saturday, June 22

Join us in the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Williamsburg Lodge and St. John’s Day.

Most Worshipful Jack K. Lewis, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, will be in attendance.

9 a.m. – coffee and fellowship
9:30 – open lodge (all are welcome) with presentation by RW Don Moro, Grand Organist
10:30 – procession to Bruton Parish Church led by fifes and drums
11 – church program, prayer, and presentation of an eighteenth century Masonic sermon
11:20 – recession to the lodge for lunch and open house

Formal dress for lodge officers with full Masonic regalia. Coat and tie for brethren.

I would love to get down there for one of these events. Cant make this one, as Ill be speaking at a Masonic luncheon in New Jersey. June 22 is St. Albans Day, which coincidentally will be my topic. Visiting Williamsburg 6 is on my list though!

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