Friday, January 12, 2024

‘Rhode Island bets on Stand-Up Guys’

A still from the video. Click here to view the 30-second spot.

There may be no more effective way to see how a grand lodge views both Freemasonry at large and its own individuality than through its advertising. Yesterday, the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island revealed a 30-second video on Facebook (also to be seen on WPRI television’s website) to summarize for the public its understanding of what it is to be a Freemason in 2024.

According to the message, it’s about being a “stand-up guy.”

“What does it mean to be a stand-up guy?” the video asks. It’s about being a good neighbor, friend, and citizen who exhibits morality, charity, and loyalty is the reply.

I don’t know if this is the opening salvo of a campaign to come, but it’s a more thoughtful message than the insipid and hubristic “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign that won’t go away. This “Stand-Up Guy” approach conveys a yankee simplicity that I’d guess would resonate in the Ocean State—America’s smallest state, home to only about 490,000 men aged 18 to 54.

Another still from the video.

(The Grand Lodge is home to almost 2,800 Masons, according to data published by the Masonic Service Association of North America.)

“Your brothers are waiting,” says this ad in conclusion. I hope their lodges find who they’re looking for.

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