M.E. Jason Sheridan, right, accepts Honorary Membership in the Grand Chapter of New Jersey from outgoing GHP Matthew Macready today at the 166th Annual Convocation of the GC of NJ. |
I have to admit to not being active in Royal Arch Masonry lately. There just isn’t enough time to attend everything, but I was able to take in the 166th Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of New Jersey today. M.E. Matthew Macready concluded his term as GHP by lavishing many awards on officers and visiting dignitaries, and the new MEGHP is Mark Megee, an old friend.
Statistically, the Grand Chapter now has seventeen local chapters as Zerubbabel 63 confronted the last resort, after a few years of trying to stay alive, and returned its charter. Statewide membership there stands at 1,084 now, far below the standard ten percent of Master Masons figure you typically see.
Speaking of visiting dignitaries, as the Grand Chapter of New York’s Grand Representative, I was delighted to see a delegation of eminent New Yorkers led by M.E. Jason Sheridan, who himself has one week in office remaining before he is succeeded during the GCNY’s Convocation in Binghamton next Saturday. He was accompanied by M.E. Piers A. Vaughan, PGHP; RE Larry Barnard, G. King; RE Steven Shearer, G. Scribe; RE Mark Peerson, G. Captain of the Host; and RE Gill Calderon. Plus, Harold Kahn, in his capacity as Associate General Grand Chaplain of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International, was present, accompanying REC Teko Foly, General Grand King. I think that was everyone from New York. Apologies if I missed anyone.
Piers Vaughan receives the Harold D. Elliott II Award. |
In other news, Jason and Piers (and the other GHPs visiting) were made Honorary Members of the Grand Chapter of New Jersey. In addition, M.E. Macready opened a “Chapter of Rabboni of Excellent Masters” (I have to admit to not knowing what that is. Maybe he meant Lodge. I don’t know. I’ve been away too long.) to invest Piers with the Harold D. Elliott II Award in recognition of Piers’ many years of labor on behalf of the Capitular Rite. If you don’t have them, be sure to get his two books on Capitular education.
There were two other Elliott Award honorees, including E. Mike Loiacono, Past HP of my chapter, Scott 4, who did great work, particularly with education, during 2022. I’m sorry to say I didn’t get to a single convocation that year, so I definitely missed out. Congratulations, Mike!
M.E. Matthew Macready presents the Harold D. Elliott II Award to E. Michael Loiacono, Past HP of Scott Chapter 4. |
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