Wednesday, September 4, 2024

‘SRRS in Memphis next month’


The Scottish Rite Research Society will host its third symposium in Memphis next month, and the call for papers is out. From the publicity:

Call for Papers:
2024 SRRS Symposium

The Scottish Rite Research Society is accepting papers for its annual symposium to be held in Memphis, Tennessee on Saturday, October 19, 2024. Interested applicants must complete the form available here to be considered a symposium speaker. The deadline to submit papers is October 1, 2024. Accepted speakers will be notified via email several days after the deadline with further details.

Viable papers must be:

scholarly or academic in nature with a focus on the history, philosophy, symbolism, biography, or ritual of the Scottish Rite, Freemasonry, and/or an affiliated group;

the speaker’s own research that has not yet been published in Masonic or non-Masonic publication, with exception to a recent or upcoming SRRS publication; and

long enough to present on the topic for 15-20 minutes, plus additional time for question and answer by SRRS participants.

The SRRS symposium will be held in-person and virtually for remote participants and more details will be provided in the coming weeks. Accepted speakers will not be reimbursed for travel to the symposium, and are therefore encouraged to present virtually. If you have any further questions, please contact Chris Ruli here.

I don’t think I knew the SRRS had such events, but I don’t get out much.

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