The following is an announcement from the lodge released this afternoon:
One week until our Stated Communication in Leesburg, Virginia, and here is information from W.M. Laing about events and activities:
Senior Warden Mike has informed me that he will not be able to proceed to the East [but] is interested in continuing in the officer line. As a result, I will be nominated for another term as Worshipful Master of our lodge. There are a few offices still vacant for 2013. We need some good, dedicated Brothers to step forward. Contact me.

I chose Leesburg because of its proximity to Sharpsburg, Maryland. The annual Memorial Illumination will be held on the night of December 1, when 23,000 candles—one for each casualty of the single day Battle of Antietam—are placed on the battlefield. I encourage you to see this impressive and inspiring display. Gates open at 6 p.m., but I recommend being in the vehicle line no later than five. The line forms on the westbound shoulder of Maryland Route 34. From there, we will have dinner at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, beautifully decorated for the holidays.
We will have our election and Installation of Officers at the December Communication. Brothers Paul Barrass and Mike Haynes from Great Britain will present a fully costumed presentation titled “Waterloo: The Masonic Battle.” Open to members and guests. I can’t wait to see it!
Here is the itinerary for the weekend:
6:30 p.m. - Dinner at Vintage 50 Restaurant, 50 Catoctin Street NE #100, Leesburg, Virginia.
10 a.m. - Stated Communication at Olive Branch Lodge No. 114, at 108 Cornwell Street NE in Leesburg, Virginia.
Noon - Lunch.
1 p.m. - Installation and program.
6 p.m. - Driving tour of Memorial Illumination at Antietam.
7:30 p.m. - Dinner at Bavarian Inn, at 164 Shepherd Grade Road in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Civil War Lodge of Research uncovers and presents factual data pertaining where the histories of Freemasonry and the U.S. Civil War intersect. It meets several times a year in various locations of interest. Click here for membership information.