Fresno Masonic Hall |
California is far beyond my orbit, but let me apprise the brethren in and near Fresno of a lecture in two weeks. W. Bro. James Russell, of Perfect Square Lodge 204 in the Seventh Manhattan District, will present “Freemasonry in New York City During the Civil War” on Tuesday the 21st at seven o’clock.
Fresno Masonic Hall is located at 3444 East Shields Avenue. Attire: casual. Refreshments will be served.
(This is not a lodge meeting night—that’s the first Wednesday—but the brethren get together on Tuesdays for fellowship and education.)
Bro. James also is at labor in Fresno Lodge 247, and is a new Corresponding Member of The American Lodge of Research—and I’m trying to interest him in Civil War Lodge of Research, but one step at a time!