Saturday, September 28, 2024

‘Slate suggests a solution to men’s solitude’


I don’t mind admitting Slate would not be the first place I’d look for a story about Freemasonry but, while I was enjoying a research lodge meeting this morning, it published a story by Allegra Rosenberg—her first in Slate—on how the Craft might be an answer for a man needing a social circle. And she began her research inside our very own Masonic Hall!

“What If the Solution to Men’s Loneliness Is…Freemasonry?” the headline asks. A few pardonable factual errors aside, she writes of several Masons in Boston, Washington State, the U.K., and elsewhere to explain how “Freemasonry fits right in as a fount of nearly infinite history, ritual, symbolism, and mystery, which is the icing on the cake of close-knit and reliable community.”

I can’t argue with that. Read all about it here.

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