What is “Willermozism?” Frankly, I’m not convinced that’s a real word, and I have my doubts that Jean-Baptiste Willermoz would have used his own name to brand the rituals and teachings of the Scottish Rectified Rite, but as a rhetorical device to quickly express the magnitude of the history of Willermoz and Martinez de Pasqually; and of Strict Observance, Elu Cohens, and Les Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte, it’ll have to do.
I’m not inclined to relay what David discussed tonight, mostly because I don’t possess a comprehensive understanding of these subjects and I’m liable to make mistakes, but also because I respect the privacy of CBCS, and I actually dread the inevitable inquiries, replete with feigned discretion, made by the usual grand rank cronies who think they need to join everything, regardless of their understanding of what and who they join.
Suffice to say it was a wonderful night. W. Bro. Lindez spoke with great enthusiasm, knowledge, and respect for his topic and for his audience, and did so for more than 90 minutes. He also displayed some of the pertinent regalia, including collars, jewels, and garments. It is hard not to envy David for the obvious pleasure and purpose he finds in that tiny corner of Freemasonry where Christian mysticism, secret histories, and esoteric Masonry combine, especially knowing how his family history practically foreordained (pun) him for this work.
But I do want to hear more about those vampires on St. Mark’s Place!