Showing posts with label Samuel Prichard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samuel Prichard. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

‘Passing Timothy Ridicule’

From Masonry Dissected, printed London, 1730.

Last night was the occasion of the first meeting of The American Lodge of Research since our October Stated Communication, and while it didn’t feel like four months apart, it was great to see everyone again.

This time we met jointly with Dunwoodie Lodge 863 in New Rochelle. It is a tradition at The ALR to exercise our prerogative to travel about the state to hold joint communications with lodges that don’t mind having us over. We try to do it annually, but the previous visit was in December 2022 to West Point Lodge 877.

The program last night was not research papers, but something quirky. We traveled through time and space to 1730s London to learn about the Craft rituals worked then and there. You probably know I’m talking about Masonry Dissected, the ritual exposure compiled by one Samuel Prichard. The book is what gives us our first look at a Third Degree, so it is historically very important. While it is not the first ritual exposure, it is the first to include the obligations, making it sexier than the competition. If you don’t know it, find it online and marvel at how different, yet also how similar, these early versions of our degrees are. There’s no floor work—that may be found in ritual exposures from later in the eighteenth century—but the spoken content of the degrees appears in detail. We trust its accuracy because of the very successful sales of the book as proven by the number of times it was printed, meaning it was Masons themselves buying it up for use in learning their ritual.

So you’re wondering about the title of this edition of The Magpie Mason. Near the end of the Fellow Craft Degree, the Master of the lodge asks the candidate his name, to which “Timothy Ridicule” is the printed reply. The candidate, naturally, would say his own name, but Prichard is said to have been a disgruntled former Mason, so I’ll guess Timothy Ridicule is some shade thrown at the ancient accepted Order. (I’ve been using it for dinner reservations for twenty years.)

My thanks to Worshipful Master Shawn and the brethren for welcoming us to give this presentation. And special kudos to Dunwoodie’s Brother Senior Deacon for being the 1730 Worshipful Master and posing the questions of the lecture to me. And thanks also to The ALR’s officers and members for journeying out to Westchester!

The degrees back then were very brief, compared to what we today know. No lengthy orations of any kind. Those would take shape several decades later thanks to William Preston and other writers. Degrees in the eighteenth century were what was known as lectures—interactive question-and-answer format led by the Master of the lodge. Just like our modern Opening/Closing, which once were part of degree work. When your Master is installed and charged to present a lecture at every meeting, he is not being told to elucidate in a monolog on any particular subject. He is, historically anyway, promising to lead the lodge in this Q&A-style recapitulation of a degree.

I have edited, modernized spelling, etc., but here is the “Fellow-Craft’s Degree”:

Q. Are you a Fellow Craft?
A. I am.

Q. Why was you made a Fellow Craft?
A. For the sake of the letter G.

Q. What does that G denote?
A. Geometry, or the fifth Science.

Q. Did you ever travel?
A: Yes, east and west.

Q. Did you ever work?
A. Yes, in the building of the Temple.

Q. Where did you receive your wages?
A. In the Middle Chamber.

Q. How came you to the Middle Chamber?
A. Through the Porch.

Q. When you came through the Porch, what did you see?
A. Two great Pillars.

Q. What are they called?
A. J. B., that is J****n and B**z.

Q. How high are they?
A. Eighteen Cubits.

Q. How much in circumference?
A. Twelve cubits.

Q. What were they adorned with?
A. Two chapiters.

Q. How high were the chapiters?
A. Five cubits.

Q. What were they adorned with?
A. Network and pomegranates.

Q. How came you to the Middle Chamber?
A. By a winding pair of stairs.

Q. How many?
A. Seven or more.

Q. Why seven or more?
A. Because seven or more make a just and perfect lodge.

Q. When you came to the door of the Middle Chamber, who did you see?
A. A Warden.

Q. What did he demand of you?
A. Three things.

Q. What were they?
A. A sign, token, and a word.

Q. How high was the door of the Middle Chamber?
A. So high that a cowan could not reach to stick a pin in.

Q. When you came to the middle, what did you see?
A. The resemblance of the letter G.

Q. What did that G denote?
A. One that’s greater than you.

Q. Who’s greater than I, that am a Free and Accepted Mason, the Master of a lodge?
A. The Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe, or he that was taken up to the top of the pinnacle of the Holy Temple.

Q. Can you repeat the letter G?
A. I’ll do my endeavor.

The repeating the Letter G

In the midst of Solomon’s Temple there stands a G. A letter for all to read and see;
But few there be that understand what means the letter G.

Q. My friend, if you pretend to be of this fraternity,
You can forthwith and rightly tell what means that letter G.
A. By sciences are brought to light bodies of various kinds,
Which do appear to perfect sight, but none but males shall know my mind.

Q. The Right shall.
A. If Worshipful.

Q. Both Right and Worshipful I am,
To hail you I have command,
That you forthwith let me know,
As I you may understand.
A. By letters four, and science five,
This G aright does stand,
In a due art and proportion;
You have your answer, friend.

N.B. Four letters are B**z; Fifth science Geometry.

Q. My friend, you answer well, If right and free principles yon discover, I’ll change your name from Friend, And henceforth call you Brother.
A. The sciences are well composed of noble structure’s verse, a point, a line, and an outside; but a solid is the last.

Q. God’s good greeting be to this our happy meeting.
A. And all the Right Worshipful Brothers and Fellows.

Q. Of the Right Worshipful and Holy Lodge of St. John’s.
A. From whence I came.

Q. Greet you, greet you, greet you thrice heartily well, craving your name.
A. Timothy Ridicule.

Q. Welcome, Brother, by the grace of God.

N.B. The reason why they denominate themselves of the Holy Lodge of St. John’s is because he was the forerunner of our Savior and laid the first parallel line to the Gospel. Others do assert that our Savior Himself was accepted a Freemason whilst He was in the flesh, but how ridiculous and profane it seems, I leave to the judicious reader to consider.

The End of the Fellow Craft’s Part.

Dunwoodie meets in the Masonic Care New Rochelle campus, formerly the College of New Rochelle. Hard to believe it has been more than five years since the fraternity acquired the property, but all is not well in New Rochelle. The local politicians oppose the remaking of the campus into assisted living space—despite a number of residences for senior citizens existing in town already. I wonder what’s really on their minds.

Bro. Erich, The ALR’s Junior Deacon, and I arrived a few hours early and promptly explored some of the campus. It is frozen in time—deserted and with the abandoned accoutrements of student living evident everywhere. Beautiful stone architecture though. Castle-like Gothic style. I didn’t take any photos because the overcast day, frigid temps, and lifeless campus made a depressing scene. But while walking around and in and out of various buildings, we bumped into Past Grand Master Bill Sardone, a loyal booster of The ALR, who showed off the several spaces occupied by the Masonic Model Railroading Club.

It’s all in the early stages, but a few set-ups are working, with multiple trains running amid functioning scenery, like a Sinclair service station and pumping oil derricks. The club has accumulated more trains than it likely will be able to run, thanks to donations from around the country, but there is so much space on the campus I hope they can assemble it all in harmonious electric cycle one day soon. Send an email here to get involved.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

‘Thomas Paine Day in New Rochelle’

Patch photo

Saturday will be Thomas Paine Day in the City of New Rochelle!

Paine was not a Freemason. There is some confusion about it on account of his writing a short book on the subject of the Craft, but he was not a Mason. The self-described atheist, who had difficulties supporting himself and was often viewed with suspicion, probably would not have been welcomed into a lodge of that period despite his value to the Revolution, however selflessly he contributed.

The book—a pamphlet, really—was published posthumously with the title On the Origin of Free-Masonry. Paine died on June 8, 1809 in Greenwich Village at what today is 59 Grove Street, now the site of Marie’s Crisis Cafe, a name alluding to Paine’s The American Crisis series of sixteen pamphlets (1776-83) exhorting the Americans to free themselves from British rule. A bronze plaque memorializing Paine can be seen on its exterior.

As a writer, Thomas Paine may have exceeded Thomas Jefferson as the wordsmith of the Revolution. (e.g., “These are the times that try men’s souls…”) His connection to New Rochelle is embodied by the farm that was given to him by the State of New York in thanks for his patriotic service and, frankly, to help him stay afloat.

But about Origin. It is entertaining. He begins: “It is always understood that Free-Masons have a secret which they carefully conceal, but from everything that can be collected from their own accounts of Masonry, their real secret is no other than their origin, which but few of them understand; and those who do, envelope it in mystery.”

Freemasonry, he continues, “is derived, and is the remains of, the religion of the ancient Druids, who, like the magi of Persia and the priests of Heliopolis in Egypt, were Priests of the Sun.” He explains how the use of the sun in our rituals and symbolism, which he gleaned from Prichard’s exposure Masonry Dissected, proves his theory, but there is more.

The colophon page explains how Origin came to be published.
In conclusion, Paine writes “I come now to speak of the cause of secrecy used by the Masons. The natural source of secrecy is fear. When any new religion overruns a former religion, the professors of the new become the persecutors of the old... A false brother might expose the lives of many of them to destruction; and from the remains of the religion of the Druids, thus preserved, arose the institution which, to avoid the name of Druid, took that of Mason, and practiced, under this new name, the rights and ceremonies of Druids.”

Paine’s writing on Freemasonry is wrong, but it is not nonsensical. There is a logic to his thesis that, frankly, is more solid than the weird suppositions about Masonry originating as a murderous Roman Catholic army deployed to the Holy Land. Paine’s pamphlet remains in print and can be had from your favorite bookseller. It is a quick read which I recommend to your attention.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

‘1730 Fellow-Craft’s Degree’


Thank you for reading The Magpie Mason. Today, we begin our fifteenth year together.

Publicity Lodge 1000 returned from its Summer Refreshment on Monday the twelfth, beginning a new year of Masonic labor. The Magpie Mason was scheduled to present a discussion of Masonic educational value, so, with a Ceremony of Passing on the trestleboard for an upcoming meeting, I chose the Fellow Craft Degree as that topic of conversation. And not just any second degree, but the one printed in 1730 by one Samuel Prichard in his essential ritual exposure Masonry Dissected, newly published by the Masonic Book Club. Masonic rituals, Masonic lodges, Masonic grand lodges, Masonic everythings were very different 300 years ago. All of it was very basic compared to what we have today.

I explained how when Masons think of lodges, we understandably envision the modern lodge room, with its varied furniture, seating arrangement, equipment, décor, etc., but things were primitive in the early eighteenth century when lodges met in tavern dining rooms or in private homes. There were no tall pillars flanking the Inner Door (there was no Inner Door!), and instead the brethren spoke ritually of J and B, explaining their purposes and describing their looks, using language similar enough to what we know today.

I told the lodge I was going to read the ritual of the degree. Read the ritual?! That could take hours! Yet the ritual of that period was very basic as well, consisting of a call-and-response dialog among the Worshipful Master and the brethren (not unlike our current Opening and Closing rituals) that spans only five pages of the MBC edition. The Fellow Craft Degree of 1730 included no elaborate floor work, no lengthy monolog lecture or other ceremonious orations, no hoodwink, nor other elements we today expect. Some of those features already were revealed to the candidate during the “Enter’d ’Prentice’s Degree,” and so went forsaken in the second degree. Anyway, reading the entire “Fellow-Craft’s Degree” ritual required only a couple of minutes. I won’t transcribe it all here, but do recommend to you the new book from the MBC. They will have more copies for sale after the subscription sales have been satisfied. (I saw Lewis Masonic had it listed for sale the other day, but it seems to be gone from their website now.)

Unsurprisingly, the letter G is very significant to the degree. I’ll share this brief passage. It rhymes and is in question-and-answer form. The dialog is between the Master and different brethren in the lodge (not the candidate, who wouldn’t be capable of answering), so you really had to know your ritual because you wouldn’t know which answers you’d be expected to recite on any given evening.

Q. Can you repeat the letter G?

A. I’ll do my endeavor. In the midst of Solomon’s Temple there stands a G, a letter fair to all to read and see, but few there be that understands what means that letter G.

Q. My friend, if you pretend to be of this fraternity, you can forthwith and rightly tell what means that letter G.

A. By sciences are brought to light bodies of various kinds, which do appear to perfect sight, but none but males shall know my mind.

Q. The Right shall.

A. If Worshipful.

Q. Both Right and Worshipful I am, to hail you I have command, that you do forthwith let me know, as I you may understand.

A. By Letters Four [the Word of EA] and Science Five [the fifth science, Geometry] this G aright does stand, in a due art and proportion, you have your answer, friend.

Q. My friend, you answer well, if Right and Free Principles you discover, I’ll change your name from friend, and henceforth call you Brother.

A. The Sciences are well composed of noble structure’s verse, a Point, a Line, and an Outside, but a Solid is the last.

Q. God’s good greeting be to this our happy meeting.

A. And all the Right Worshipful Brothers and Fellows.

Q. Of the Right Worshipful and Holy Lodge of St. John’s.

A. From whence I came.

Q. Greet you, greet you, greet you thrice, heartily well, craving your name.

A. (Candidate gives his name.)

Q. Welcome, Brother, by the grace of God.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

‘This mighty Secret’


The Masonic Book Club announced today how its second offering to subscribers will be Masonry Dissected, that early ritual exposure from 1730 that gives us the first evidence of a Master’s Degree.

To recap: The MBC is no longer organized for dues-paying members, but instead now publishes books in limited runs predicated on advance sales. Pre-paid orders, at $30 per copy, are being accepted now through February 28. We can expect to receive our books in the mail in June. Those who decline to purchase in advance are to be pitied, and therefore will have a slight chance of obtaining the book at $40 a copy. Don’t be one of those guys.

Samuel Prichard is unknown to history save for the publication of this book, the full title of which is:

Masonry Dissected; being a Universal and Genuine Description Of all its Branches from the Original to this Present Time. As it is deliver’d in the Constituted, Regular Lodges, Both in the City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission; Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceedings in Initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry, viz. I. Entered ’Prentice; II. Fellow Craft; III. Master. To which is added, The Author’s Vindication of himself. By Samuel Prichard, late member of a Constituted Lodge. London; Printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de-Luces behind the Chapter-house near St. Paul’s. 1730 (price 6 d).

And that vindication?

If all the Impositions that have appear’d amongst Mankind, none are so ridiculous as the Mystery of Masonry, which has amus’d the World, and caused various Constructions and these Pretences of Secrecy, invalid, has (tho’ not perfectly) been revealed, and the grand Article, viz. the Obligation, has several Times been printed in the Publick Papers, but is entirely genuine in the Daily Journal of Saturday, Aug. 22, 1730, which agrees in its Veracity with that deliver’d in this Pamphlet; and consequently when the Obligation of Secrecy is abrogated, the aforesaid Secret becomes of no Effect, and must be quite extinct; for some Operative Masons (but according to the polite way of Expression, Accepted Masons) made a Visitation from the first and oldest constituted Lodge (according to the Lodge Book in London) to a noted Lodge in this City, and was denied Admittance, because their old Lodge was removed to another House, which, tho’ contradictory to this great Mystery, requires another Constitution, at no less Expense than two Guineas, with an elegant Entertainment, under the Denomination of being put to Charitable uses, which if justly applied, will give great Encomiums to so worthy an Undertaking, but it is very much doubted, and most remarkable to think it will be expended towards the forming another System of Masonry, the old Fabric being so ruinous, that unless repair’d by some occult Mystery, will soon be annihilated.

I was induced to publish this mighty Secret for the public Good at the Request of several Masons, and it will, I hope, give entire Satisfaction, and have its desired Effect in preventing so many credulous Persons being drawn into so pernicious a Society.

Cazart! That guy needed an editor. We today are lucky to have Brent Morris and Arturo de Hoyos, who are reprinting the MBC’s earlier imprint of Masonry Dissected, and augmenting Harry Carr’s commentary.

I’ve always wondered somewhat if the author truly intended to harm the Craft, because what actually happened was our ancient brethren were able to obtain a ritual book for use as a guide. Grand lodges wouldn’t publish such books officially for about another 200 years, so I figure it’s possible that Prichard deserves some credit for promulgating and proliferating the Third Degree. In addition to being reprinted twenty-one times up to 1787, Masonry Dissected also was translated into Dutch, French, and German in the 1730s, when Freemasonry took root across Europe. Unintended consequences? Coincidences? I wonder.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

‘Masonry Dissected is MBC’s next’

Courtesy MBC
The recently relaunched Masonic Book Club notified its members Wednesday how its next offering will be Masonry Dissected, the seminal ritual exposure that informs historians of the earliest available form of the Master Mason Degree.

So, yes, you’ll want to make certain you have this. The MBC did print this title back in the seventies, but this edition will augment that classic text (with Harry Carr’s commentary) with new thoughts from Brent Morris and Arturo de Hoyos. MBC members will get the memo when it’s time to place orders.

Masonry Dissected burst onto the London Masonic scene in 1730, and was reprinted and reproduced multiple times around England in just a couple of weeks. Whether it was intended to be an aid to the memory for the brethren’s benefit or a malicious betrayal of secrets, I don’t know. What I can promise you is you’ll be amazed by both the form of Masonic ritual in the early eighteenth century and by how much you’ll recognize from what your lodge does today.