Saturday, September 21, 2024

‘CWLR 1865 to meet at Lee Lodge’

Civil War Lodge of Research 1865 is staying in Virginia for its next meeting, heading to Lee Lodge 209 in Waynesboro on Saturday, October 12. It doesn’t look like a trip to a local historic spot is planned, but the brethren will hear a paper on Bro. William H. Harmon, the Grand Lodge of Virginia’s only two-time Grand Master—and the only Most Worshipful to be killed in the Civil War.

Secretary Bennett says the lodge has no hotel arrangements because of the number of nearby accommodations, so take your pick.

On Friday, catch up with the group for dinner at Heritage on Main Street. In the morning, get to lodge at nine o’clock for refreshments; the lodge will tyle at 10. Both lunch and dinner plans are yet to be determined.

Our next meeting will be December 7 for the Installation of Officers. The ensuing year looks like:
April 12 in Charleston, South Carolina;
July 12 at Chattanooga, Tennessee;
October 11 at Montgomery, Alabama; and
December 6, possibly in Highland Springs, Virginia.

That last one is likely the only one I’ll be able to attend, but we’ll see.

Interested in Freemasons’ significance in the U.S. Civil War? Membership information is here, and maybe I’ll see you there.

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