Tuesday, August 6, 2024

‘Unity Day tickets are on sale’

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The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will host Unity Day this time. Tickets went on sale last Thursday ($75 each) for the Saturday, January 25 event at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.

Only 600 seats are available (although I’m surprised that quaint little lodge building of theirs can accommodate that many!), so don’t wait too long to book yours. Looks like a great day.

Grand Lodges participating: Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico. Of course, Master Masons from all recognized grand lodges are welcome to attend.

Ritual work:

Entered Apprentice Degree by Garibaldi Lodge 542 of New York.

Fellow Craft Degree by the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey.

Master Mason Degree by the Colonial Degree Team of Delaware.

Open Installation of Officers and the Entered Apprentice/Fellow Craft degrees combined by the Pennsylvania brethren.

Breakfast, lunch, and a commemorative gift are included in your ticket price.

To be honest, I won’t be there. Too far. Too long (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) a day. Too many people packed inside. I know I wouldn’t enjoy it, but those who attend these things always express their elation and praise, so let that be your guide.

Click here for tickets.

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