Wednesday, August 7, 2024

‘ONYJRW is next month!’

UPDATE 9.10.24: Event cancelled.

Buffalo is much closer to Canton, Ohio than it is to New York City. You can’t even compare the two commutes. Canton is about 150 miles nearer to Buffalo. Plus, you could sail most of the way.

Having just learned this, I no longer feel offended by the Buffalo research guys finding partners in Ohio instead of with us in Manhattan, which I’d assumed would have been the obvious choice. That partnership has birthed an event planned for next month that will bring together five research bodies for what they are calling the Ohio-New York Joint Research Weekend. From the publicity:

Call to Assembly
Joint Meeting
September 13-14
Canton Masonic Temple
836 Market Avenue North
Canton, Ohio

The Ohio Chapter of Research, The Ohio Lodge of Research, The Ohio Council for Research and Development are pleased to announce they will host a joint meeting with The Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research of New York and The Western New York Lodge of Research.

Friday, September 13

Buffet dinner at 6 p.m., with ladies invited, followed by an evening of paper presentations.

Saturday, September 14

Continental breakfast, followed by additional paper presentations.

Call for Papers: Anyone wishing to present a paper should contact Jeff Slattery here with your title and approximate presentation length. Also, advise if you will need any equipment for accompanying audiovisuals. If possible, please email a copy of your presentation prior to the meeting. Questions may be directed there too.

Click here for hotel information and ideas for activities for the ladies.

I’d go, except it’s way too far.

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