Wednesday, August 21, 2024

‘Lafayette at the Livingston Library’


If you are active at all in New York Freemasonry, you have at least heard about our celebration of the bicentenary of Bro. Lafayette’s history-making tour of the United States, a lengthy visit to all twenty-four states that was prompted by our fraternity to honor the last surviving general of the Revolutionary War. In fact, celebrations are happening around the country now, plus a book by Chris Ruli, published just this week, chronicles Lafayette’s progress from east to west, and from north to south, and back again.

Chris will be the Livingston Library’s guest lecturer, presenting his findings one night next month. From the publicity:

Chancellor Robert R. Livingston
Masonic Library
Live Lecture Series
Thursday, September 26 at 7:30 p.m.
“Lafayette & The Mystic Tie”
RSVP here

Join Chris Ruli as we examine the Marquis de Lafayette’s legacy with Freemasonry and his fraternal activities during his final American tour. 

The presentation is based on Ruli’s new book Brother Lafayette, copies of which will be available at the presentation.

Chris Ruli is a historian and researcher on early American Freemasonry and its often-overlooked relationship with politics and culture. He is an associate director of the Scottish Rite Research Society, Third Vice-President of the Philalethes Society, and a researcher at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC.

The Library will host this discussion in Masonic Hall’s Ionic Room on the sixth floor. Photo ID is required to enter the building.

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