Tuesday, June 4, 2024

‘History by type and as ritual’

The Spirit of Masonry, essential reading, figures in Ben Hoff’s upcoming paper.

New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education 1786 will meet Saturday. Two weighty papers are scheduled. From the trestleboard:

“Classifying History Writing by Type” by Bro. Donald Elfreth. This admittedly subjective short essay attempts to fit various types of history writing into four broad areas. There are no firm divisions of these areas, and each may have, to some extent, elements of another. The presenter does not expect all to agree with his analysis, and he looks forward to a lively discussion at the conclusion of his presentation.

“Monitors and Ritual Ciphers” by Distinguished Laureate Bro. Ben Hoff. A survey of history and development of Masonic Monitors and Ritual books, both coded (ciphers) and uncoded, along with their influence on the expansion of our ritual, particularly lectures.

I have read Ben’s well researched paper, and will host him at The American Lodge of Research in October to present it again as part of a multifaceted review of such books. You’ll hear about that when autumn approaches.

New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education meets at 9:30 a.m. in Freemasons Hall, home of Union Lodge 19, in North Brunswick. Light refreshments are served before, and a catered lunch ($20) after for those who booked in advance.

Now is still spring, and I will have to miss this meeting of LORE 1786 because it will coincide with the Grotto Supreme Council Session.

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