Monday, June 24, 2024

‘California streamin’: August symposium’


The Grand Lodge of California is doing it again. From the publicity:

The Grand Lodge of California’s annual symposium, held online and free to all, will discuss Fringe Masonry and explore the Mysteries that Bind Us.

Click here to register.

According to some estimates, there are 3,361 fraternal organizations in the state of California alone. Freemasonry is among the oldest of them, and certainly the most influential. But that influence goes both ways.

Just as many fraternal organizations have borrowed from blue lodge Masonry, so too has the craft borrowed elements from other Masonic and quasi-Masonic rites—from groups as varied and mystical as the Swedenborgian Rite, the Zuzimites, and countless others. Those connections are at the heart of the 2024 California Masonic Symposium, being held Wednesday, August 28. Join Masonic scholars and experts for a range of presentations on some of the most mysterious and esoteric Masonic rites—what is often referred to as “fringe Masonry.”

Join us for a wide-ranging discussion of the ways groups like these have and continue to intersect with craft Masonry—and the legacy they’ve left behind.

Speakers include some of the foremost authors on these topics. This discussion will be led by Gabriel G. Mariscal, the Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of California.

2024 California Masonic Symposium Speakers: Angel Millar, Jaime Paul Lamb, and Joe Martinez.

Read about the speakers here.

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