Thursday, May 2, 2024

‘MM° on Song Mountain’


The brethren way out in Onondaga County are planning a Third Degree on a mountain top. That’s up by Lake Ontario. From the publicity:

The Onondaga District will host a collective Third Degree at the top of Song Mountain in Tully on June 8 (rain date June 15).

The performance of this degree is something we have been planning for, and working on, for more than a year, and we are extremely excited to be able to present this to the brethren of our state. Many of us cannot remember the last time our entire district has gotten together and worked to raise a class of Master Masons, let alone 22 brothers in a picturesque environment on the top of a mountain, overlooking Otisco Lake. The amount of effort, time, and dedication the district team, as well as all of the degree participants, are putting into this all but guarantees that this will be one for the ages.

We’re excited to have you be a part of it and look forward to seeing many of you on the mountain! There is a capacity of 250 brothers. Cost of attendance is $30 per person, the same for spectators, degree participants, and candidates alike, to cover operating costs and lunch on the top of the mountain.

The degree will be an all day affair. The gavel will drop at 9 a.m. sharp. Please arrange to be there well in advance in order to be seated in time for the opening. Seating will be on bleachers. Dress in long pants (jeans are fine) and a button-down or polo shirt. Wear shoes appropriate for walking and be prepared for being in an outdoor environment.

R and R Imports
There will be a buffet dinner at the conclusion of the degree at the base of the mountain. This incurs a separate cost of $40 per person, and is open to all Masons and their families regardless of participation in the degree at the top of the mountain. A separate reservation will be required.

The reservation process begins here. When your reservation is accepted, you will receive an email confirming your spot. When we reach 250 reservations, the reservation portal will close.

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