Sunday, May 5, 2024

‘Brent Morris receives UGLE Grand Rank’

Brent Morris shared this on social media, and says ‘Here is a photograph from Wednesday, April 24 of one of the newest Past Junior Grand Deacons of the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England. We were particularly honored that HRH the Duke of Kent, KG, Most Worshipful Grand Master, was present to preside over the advancement of the honorees.’

Congratulations to Bro. Brent Morris, who was elevated recently to Grand Rank in the United Grand Lodge of England! Brent is among the newest Past Grand Junior Deacons, having been invested at Freemasons’ Hall in London April 24.

If I understand the UGLE’s Constitutions, Brent now is merely sixty-one heartbeats away from the Grand Mastership. Of course you remember he served as Worshipful Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076—the first lodge of research, etc.—for the 2007-08 term, and was the first American Mason to preside over the lodge.

The UGLE’s rules are a little too complicated for me, but there are ninety Grand Rank positions in the UGLE system. The appointment to Past Grand Rank, such as Junior Deacon, is in grateful recognition of good and faithful service to the Craft. Bravo!

You’ll observe the dove on the regalia. A different idea than the moon within the Square and Compasses most of us in America know. “A symbol of purity and innocence; also peace,” says Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie of the bird in his The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia.

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