Friday, February 16, 2024

‘MAGI is here!’


They’d been teasing it for an interminable three weeks but, several hours ago, Bob Cooper and Mark Tabbert finally gave us the gift of M.A.G.I.

A podcast, Masonic Authors’ Guild International is “for educational purposes and perhaps entertainment.” I’ll just share the publicity:

Welcome to the Masonic Authors’ Guild International (MAGI), where each week two historians review and critique books and other productions focused on Freemasonry, as well as discuss broader issues in historical research. Our mission is to promote the highest professional and academic standards in Masonic research, education, and publications. These podcasts begin the Guild’s mission by reviewing those that do, or do not, uphold high academic standards, and explain why they do, or do not.

The Guild members are Robert Cooper, Curator Emeritus of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, who lives in Edinburgh; and Mark Tabbert, former Curator at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, Alexandria, Virginia, who lives in Iowa. Both have published significant academic historical research, and have contributed to Masonic journals and magazines. Together they have more than 65 years as Freemasons, and are members of numerous Masonic research societies and Masonic lodges in Europe and North America.

For this launch, they very wisely uploaded five episodes of the podcast for our enlightenment, including examinations of David Stevenson of Scotland and Joseph Fort Newton of Iowa.

Click here and share the link with your brethren.

(Jesus wept. I hope they don’t critique this blog.)

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