Monday, March 17, 2025

‘Lodge to mark Civil War’s start’


Virginia-based Civil War Lodge of Research 1865 will travel outside the Commonwealth for its meeting next month to mark the start of the U.S. Civil War where the shooting started. From Worshipful Master Creig Lee Lovelace:

We will convene our meeting in historic Charleston, South Carolina on April 12, where the War Between the States began 164 years ago on that very date in that very place. I hope you can make it down.

Many of you requested we ‘get out of Virginia,’ and I told you we indeed would stretch our legs a little. We will head to Tennessee this summer and in the fall we’ll head back to Richmond, Virginia. But on April 11, we will tour the Hunley museum and see the Confederacy’s secret weapon that authorities hoped would break the blockade. After two failed tests, Gen. Beauregard was ready to shelve the thing as it was more dangerous than the enemy. After some arm twisting by Lt. George Dixon (a Brother from Alabama), Beauregard agreed to one more chance. The attack on February 17, 1864 made history, and yet the Hunley was lost again until 1995. In 2000, it was raised and the final crew was buried in 2004. Come see the technological marvel that was the Hunley.

Saturday we will meet at Solomon’s Lodge 1. Come see an amazing complex, the Charleston County Masonic Association Center, and see the history of the various lodges. Afterward, we will see Fort Sumter and Fort Johnson. Come see where the war began.


11 Ashley Pointe Drive

Friday, April 11

2-3:30 – tour Hunley Museum
1250 Supply Street
4-5 – Hunley Grave Site
St. Lawrence Cemetery
60 Huguenin Avenue

6:30 – dinner at Home Team BBQ
1205 Ashley River Road

Saturday, April 12

Solomon’s Lodge 1
Charleston County Masonic
Association Center
1285 Orange Grove Road

8-10 – coffee & donuts
10-12:30 – meeting
12:30-1:15 – lunch at S&S Cafeterias
1104 Sam Rittenberg Blvd.
2:45-5 – tour
340 Concord Street
5:30-6:15 – tour
Fort Johnson Road

Dinner at seven
1734 Sam Rittenberg Blvd.

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