Saturday, March 15, 2025

‘French Rite EA° on Tuesday’

If you like Garibaldi Lodge’s EA°—that French Rite First Degree rendered in Italian—then you’ll love the original as conferred by l’Union Française Lodge 17, in French, and in the far more intimate setting of the French Doric Room. So be there at six o’clock Tuesday evening.

No one will be admitted once the degree begins at 6:45. Be prepared to work your way into a tiled Masonic lodge room.

The ritual often is said to be Scottish Rite, and while it is similar to the A&ASR First Degree, it in fact is older than that—for example having been worked by this lodge since 1797. It features the alchemical and Rosicrucian symbolism that sets it apart from the Preston-Webb-Cross work known to the rest of us in New York.

The only question I have is will the Empire State Building be lit in the blue, white, and red of France’s Tricolour? We’ll see.

The Worshipful Master is V∴W∴ Bro. Ziad, who you also might know as our Tiler in The American Lodge of Research. My cable tow will not allow me to be present, but you should go!

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