Monday, September 27, 2021

‘Two talks from Maryland’

A pair of historical talks from Maryland are coming this week via Zoom.

On Wednesday, Maryland Masonic Lodge of Research 239 will present W. Bro. Chris Ruli, who will tell the story of a Past Grand Secretary who lobbied to relocate the Prime Meridian from Greenwich to Washington. His research in astronomy led to the creation of the U.S. Naval Observatory.

That’ll be 7 p.m. Seek out the lodge on Facebook for the credentials for attending the virtual meeting.

Ruli is the Grand Historian and the Librarian of the Grand Lodge of Washington, DC. His research mostly involves the early history of the fraternity in Washington.

On Saturday, Maryland Masonic Research Society will meet via Zoom at eleven in the morning. First Vice President Mike Taldo will discuss “Carl Christian Friederich Krause: An Unknown but Well Known German Mason.”

Krause’s story is remarkable. A doctor of philosophy at age twenty, he was made a Mason four years later in 1805. He brought his education to Freemasonry, writing a treatise titled “Spiritualization of the Genuine Symbols of Freemasonry” that would have made the Craft a nucleus of a worldwide human unity. That thinking not only got him expelled from Masonry, but also damaged his professional career in academia.

Today happens to be the anniversary of his death in 1832.

To attend, email the MMRS here ASAP.

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