E. Sultan photo Grand Master Ilan Segev. |
The recently installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Israel was quoted in that country’s most widely read newspaper saying he believes it is time for the fraternity there to begin admitting women.
MW Bro. Ilan Segev took office July 12. In a story covering his speech to the brethren published in Israel Hayom (Israel Today) on July 28, he is quoted sharing his opinions on modernizing the Craft. “The world has changed since the Grand Lodge of England was founded in 1717. In 2022, we cannot ignore that women make up half of the population, and there is a real need to examine the possibility of making a change. There is no doubt that the principles of Freemasonry speak to every person regardless of religion, race, or gender. I have a number of ideas that I will present to the grand committee of the Grand Lodge, and then we will open it up for discussion in the Order.”
An English translation of the article was posted to the newspaper’s website on August 4. The reporter, Eyal Levi, followed up with an interview and wrote of far more than the eye-grabbing talk of membership transformation. Click here to read it entirely.
“Women are not currently accepted,” the article continues, but, Segev said “it may change. I am working on it. There are lodges in France that have opened up for women already. I am thinking of a certain model, which I won’t go into details about now, but I want women to play a big role in the society. When Freemasonry was first established, women didn’t work, they stayed at home. In 2022, the world is different, and we must progress.”
“What will happen for sure I do not know, but through a process, I believe soon women will also be able to be Freemasons. I said during the ceremony, ‘Freedom, Equality, and Brotherhood. Love, Help, and Truth.’ Any knowledgeable person can except these values. That is why we will have to change the system and adjust the constitution.”
The current Grand Lodge of Israel will reach its seventieth anniversary next year. Click here for Bro. Leon Zeldin’s brief history of Freemasonry there.
They are bending in response to pressure from feminists. Let the women have a parallel but separate organization. Co ed masonry will destroy the nature of our brotherhood.
That is a crazy idea!!! The ladies have Rainbow, Eastern Star and Daughters of the Nile. I see no intelligent reason to even suggest such a dumb idea!
Are those affiliate groups available in Israel?
They are not.
He has forgotten one important element. Lodges in Israel include many Arab brethren, mainly Christian but also Muslims. The Arab mentality will negate any female involvement. It's a non starter for mixed lodges. However a parallel comasonic ( female ) entity may be attempted. The idea, I would assume, is that it would strengthen the masonic social family framework.
I'm a member of the GL of Israel and the GM did NOT call for women to be initiated. The newspaper (shockingly!) twisted his words and their context.
Yes this true, I was there at the celebration of his nomination as grand master, what he said actually that we can’t ignore women and we should have parallely an interesting occupation for the wives while the brothers have their meetings.
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