Wednesday, June 30, 2021

‘The ALR resumes its labors’

The American Lodge of Research meets in the Colonial Room on the tenth floor of Masonic Hall, but is free to meet anywhere in the State of New York.

The American Lodge of Research—not the first, but now the oldest lodge of research in the country—was recalled to labor Tuesday night.

Most Worshipful William Sardone, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York, sat in the East and sounded the gavel at 7:36 p.m., ending a period of darkness that had spanned approximately four years.

“This is the time to reboot, to get back on track, and to move things forward,” he said.

This meeting was for a quick election and installation of officers. Working behind the scenes, Sardone and Right Worshipful Oscar Alleyne, Junior Grand Warden, assembled a team to take the elected offices for this term. They are:

Worshipful Master
Conor M.
Senior Warden
Angel Millar
Junior Warden
Michael Livschitz
David Pearlmutter
Michael Chaplin

Our appointed officers, which I believe are only the deacons, are yet to be announced.

There already is a website available, and other improvements will be coming soon.

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