Saturday, April 25, 2020

‘Learn the secrets of master ritualists’

W. Bro. Anthony, Past Master of historic Mariners Lodge 67, will bring his Ritual Memorization Workshop to you via Zoom on Thursday night. Click here to get involved. From the publicity:

Legends of the Craft
Ritual Memorization Workshop
Secrets of Master Ritualists

Click to enlarge.

Memorizing ritual is important, but no one teaches you how to memorize, so for most using outdated methods, memorization is a chore. That changes now. The Ritual Memorization Workshop will help you save time and energy memorizing Masonic ritual. You will feel more confident and motivated to tackle ritual of any size, and you will develop a deeper understanding of the Craft. We will dissect your current memory method, eliminate inefficiencies, and give you a series of tips, tricks, techniques, and ideas to turn it into a finely tuned tool of Masonic instruction.

We also will cover:

  • The ancient reason Masons memorize ritual
  • The five Myths of Memory that are hurting your inner Ritual Rockstar
  • The simple Secret to Memorization and improving your memory (supermemorization) as confirmed by science and ancient practices
  • Why preparing before you study ritual will save you time and give you confidence
  • How to make ritual easier to study and recall by turning it into a catechism
  • Advanced memory tools

All attendees will leave with an information packet, with additional training material.

Open to the public. Attire: business casual.

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