Saturday, February 13, 2016

‘The Masonic Society’s annual meeting’

So we’re here in Arlington, Virginia for Masonic Week, the highlight of which undoubtedly was the banquet just concluded where The Masonic Society’s annual meeting took place.

There is a lot of exciting news to come, but there’s only so much I’m willing to type on my phone, so I’ll share the personnel updates only.

Our President is Kenneth W. Davis of New Mexico (formerly of Indiana). Ken, a retired professor, is bursting with ideas and initiatives for this new two-year term, and these comprise the exciting news I mention, so stay current with The Journal, our social media, and The Magpie. Ken succeeds Jim Dillman of Indiana, whose thoughtful leadership has brought The Masonic Society through a period of greater creativity, and to this cusp of inspired innovation where we stand tonight.

Our new First Vice President is Patrick Craddock of The Craftsman’s Apron fame, who will prove instrumental to bringing those startling initiatives to fruition even as he anticipates his own presidency two years hence. Ours is a holistic, long-term planning strategy.

The new Second Vice President is me. In over my head, as per usual.

New Board members:

Oscar Alleyne of New York; John Bizzack of Kentucky; and Mark Robbins of Minnesota. These are names you probably recognize, and their joining the Board is a clue to the incredible Masonic education programs The Masonic Society will launch in the coming years.

That’s all I have for now. I’m off to the hospitality suite for whiskey and good conversation.



Anon_e_mouse said...

Mazel Tov! Or should I be saying My condolences?

Magpie Mason said...

Ha! No, the congratulation is very kind. Thank you.

During our board meeting Friday afternoon, I realized I had better seriously meditate on the future. I'm no visionary, by any means, but I must contemplate and anticipate matters that will matter years in the future.
