Sunday, March 5, 2017

‘300: Freemasonry’s Legacy, Freemasonry’s Future’

Unless I’m particularly out of touch, which is not impossible, I’ve been missing announcements one might expect to see of Masonic celebrations of the tercentennial celebration of the London revival. June 24 is the date. It lands on a Saturday this year, so I’m thinking the timing is perfect for a weekend of commemoration—swinging from the reflective to the raucous.

But, again, I’m failing to see any announcement of a party, except of course for the United Grand Lodge of England’s widespread events...

And The Masonic Roundtable’s plans. From the publicity:

300: Freemasonry’s Legacy,
Freemasonry’s Future
June 23-24

Friday, June 23:
Early arrivals and registration ■ Masonic tours of DC and surrounding area (TBD)
7 p.m. dinner at local restaurant (TBD) ■ Agenda to be revealed as details emerge!

Saturday, June 24:
George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Notable Masonic speakers highlighting the past and future of Freemasonry! ■ Trivia games with Prizes, Prizes, Prizes! ■ Masonic vendors! ■ Fellowship! Much more coming soon!!!

Get your tickets here. Sales end June 1. Early Bird Ticket: $99.00 + $3.47 fee.

I congratulate these Freemasons for getting something going. Unless something materializes in New York, I think I’ll be there.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

‘AQC volumes on sale at Lewis’

I don’t know how to say “Prices so low we’re practically giving it all away!” in Latin, but Lewis Masonic is now selling recent editions of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum for three bucks each. Both softcover and hardcover copies.

You’re welcome.

These are the annual books of transactions of Quatuor Coronati 2076 that are provided to members of QCCC Ltd.

Lots of other great stuff to buy also, of course.

Friday, March 3, 2017

‘Masonic fine arts festival coming to Virginia’

Ah, the first day of Spring is near, but looking ahead already to Autumn we see the Association of Masonic Arts will hold its second Apollo Festival, a celebration of the fine arts in Freemasonry. From the publicity:

We are beyond excited to announce that the Association of Masonic Arts will be holding the second Apollo Festival, a gathering of international Masonic Artists, from September 28 through October 1 at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.

The greatest Masonic artists from around the world all in one place. We hope to see you there!


Courtesy Henry W. Coil Library & Museum
Apollo, as depicted on the frontispiece
of Andersons Constitutions of 1723.

In the history of the Freemasonry, Apollo appeared on the frontispiece of the Masonic Constitution from 1723, engraved by our extraordinarily talented Brother John Pine.

In honor of our beginning and all reach symbolism related to Apollo, we decided to choose Apollo for symbolic presentation and patron of the World Festival of Masonic Arts.

The first Festival of Masonic Arts was hosted by Grand Orient of Brazil from 15th to 20th of September 2015 in the capital Brasilia. It was organized under the personal patronage of MW Marcos Jose da Sylva, with the invaluable help of our Grand Ambassador RW Brother Paulo Alves Koo, and Honorable Ambassadors Jose Arimateia Soares de Almeida, Jose Eduardo de Miranda, and thousands of Brazilian brethren, supporting the Festival.

Do visit the Association’s website to learn more about this, and to see the lengthy, and presumably impressive, roster of participants. And get to Alexandria to enjoy this festival! Judging from the international presence of the Association’s membership, there is no telling where future events will be held, so take advantage of the convenience of attending in Virginia.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

‘Masonic March madness!’

There are so many great things for the thinking Freemason to do this month! Check out some of these events within the apartments of the Temple and without.

Thursday, March 2 – Washington Lodge 21 in the First Manhattan District will meet at 7 p.m. in the French Doric Room on the tenth floor of Masonic Hall (71 West 23rd Street in Manhattan). Program: A lecture on American Talmudist and Washington Lodge Brother Israel Baer Kursheedt given by the lodge’s own W. Bro. Tessler.

Friday, March 3 – New York Open Center will host an open house with a discussion of Esoteric Quest at 7:30 p.m. Free admission. 22 East 30th Street in Manhattan. From the publicity:

The Open Center’s Esoteric Quest conferences have now run for over 21 years and are some of the world’s leading events on the Western spiritual paths. We invite you to join us for an informative and engaging evening in which we will briefly review the remarkable history of the Quests and look forward to the upcoming Esoteric Quest in the Western Isles of Scotland in August. The Outer Hebrides in the North Atlantic are where Celtic and Norse cultures mingled, where megalithic standing stones dot the landscape of the isles of Lewis and Harris, and where big skies, mountain vistas, and the ever present rolling sea provide the context for our thirteenth Quest. Join us for a convivial and entertaining evening. All are welcome.

Friday, March 3 – The Gurdjieff Foundation of New York will hold a new introductory session at 6:30 p.m. in the lecture hall at Quest Bookshop. Details here:

Click to enlarge.

Sunday, March 5 – The School of Practical Philosophy will present a new Plato Study Day titled “Plato’s Path to Prosperity.” Click here.

Sunday, March 5 – Anthroposophy NYC will present Anne Keller-de Wild, who will present “The Five Temperments: An Open Secret, Continued.” Details here.

Tuesday, March 7 – My favorite chapter of Piers Vaughan’s latest book concerns the Archangel Raphael, and on this night the Scottish Rite Valley of New York City will host Piers (33°, MSA, PMWM, etc.) for a reading of this very chapter and a book-signing. Details here:

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, March 8 – Mariners Lodge 67 in the First Manhattan District will meet at 7 p.m. in the Doric Room on the eighth floor of Masonic Hall (71 West 23rd Street in Manhattan). Program: Voyage into Mystery Chapter X: “Secret Origins of the Illuminati” presented by Josef Wages. From the publicity:

Who were the Illuminati? Why was it formed? Is there a connection to Freemasonry? Does it still exist, and is it behind the “New World Order?”

Bro. Josef Wages is a famed Masonic author who is one of the principal editors of the book The Secret School of Wisdom: The Authentic Ritual and Doctrines of the Illuminati. (Copies of the book and Illuminati jewelry will be available for sale.) Open to Apprentices and Fellows.

Program will be followed by Mariner’s legendary maritime-themed Festive Board at 9 p.m. Reservations are a must. Click here.

Friday, March 10 – The Fourth Manhattan District (my home) will host a Grand Lecturer’s Convention. These are amazing happenings. Bro. Richard Kessler, the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer, will discuss a certain aspect of the meaning of Masonry. A real treat, especially for those of us new to New York Freemasonry and are unaccustomed to knowing Grand Lodge officers who can discuss Freemasonry brilliantly. At Masonic Hall: 71 West 23rd Street in Manhattan.

Saturday, March 11 – New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education 1786 will host the Magpie Mason! A Past Master of the lodge, I will tender my first presentation to the brethren in a really long time. Titled “Question Everything (And Answer as Best You Can),” I’ll recount the history of Masonic education, and explain how attainable an advancement in Masonic knowledge really is, even for the timid seeker.

We meet at Hightstown-Apollo Lodge 41 in Hightstown.

Thursday, March 16 – The inimitable Andrew Hammer, president of the Masonic Restoration Foundation and author of Observing the Craft, will present the 2017 Wendell K. Walker Lecture, hosted by Independent Royal Arch Lodge 2 in the First Manhattan District. All info on this flier:

Click to enlarge.

Thursday, March 16 – The Mythology Roundtable of New York will meet for Mesopotamian Mythology Class at Brooklyn Brainery at 8:15 p.m. From the publicity:

Mesopotamia, the ancient “Land Between Two Rivers” in present day Iraq, was home to many different gods. Though less-well known today than the pantheons of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, the gods of Mesopotamia had just as many grand adventures, big personalities and poignant observations on the human condition. We know them today thanks to a rich ancient literature, including the famous “Epic of Gilgamesh,” the first example of written epic poetry in world history.

In this class, we’ll meet the most important gods of Mesopotamia: tempestuous Inanna (the original femme fatale), wise Enki, monster-slaying Ninurta, and many more. We’ll hear the story of the great “two-thirds divine” hero Gilgamesh and uncover the original context of familiar names like Ishtar and Lilith. We’ll also learn how these gods were worshipped, and how the worship affected history, up to and including the modern world.

This class is a general introduction to the myths and legends of Mesopotamia. No previous knowledge of the subject matter is required.

Friday, March 17 – Atlas-Pythagoras Masonic Lodge 10 in New Jersey will welcome back Past Prestonian Lecturer (2014) Michael Kearsley, who will speak on “1814 Consolidation and Change: The First Year of the United Grand Lodge of England.” Details here:

Click to enlarge.

Saturday, March 18 – The Rose Circle Research Foundation will bring renowned scholar, author, Freemason, Fama translator, etc. Christopher McIntosh back to the lectern to present “New Light on the Golden Dawn.” From the publicity:

In the founding of the 19th century English occult society the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a key role was played by an alleged German Rosicrucian adept named Fräulein Anna Sprengel, who had the magical motto Sapiens Dominabitur Astris (the wise person overcomes their stars). In this lecture, historian Christopher McIntosh reveals a sensational discovery he made about Fräulein Sprengel, and speaks about its significance for the history of the Golden Dawn.

Ticketing information is still to come.

Saturday, March 18 – A great day is in store at the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge in Elizabethtown. The publicity:

Click to enlarge.

Monday, March 20 – The Rosicrucian Order will host a celebration of the Spring Equinox. If you’ve ever wondered about your harmonious relationship among your fellow man, nature, and deity, here’s a great opportunity to learn from the Grand Master. 6:30 p.m. at the Rosicrucian Cultural Center at 2303 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Blvd. in Manhattan.

Saturday, March 25 – The C.G. Jung Foundation will present a daylong seminar led by Michael Conforti, Ph.D. titled “Time of the Forgotten: Trauma, Memory, and Healing.” Details here.

Monday, March 27 – The Mythology Roundtable of New York will meet to discuss the new issue of Parabola magazine, “The Search for Meaning,” at 6:15 p.m. in the Kristine Mann Library at the C.G. Jung Foundation. 28 East 39th Street (fourth floor) in Manhattan. A mandatory reading assignment to prepare for the discussion.

Wednesday, March 29 – I don’t know what is going on with The American Lodge of Research. It hasn’t published a book in about six years. I haven’t received a mailing in two or three years. The website is gone. The Yahoo! Group is effectively shut down. At Masonic Week a couple of weeks ago, a past officer confided the lodge is basically dead, and yet its Faceypage still hints at activity. A meeting on this evening with RW Pierre de Ravel d’Esclapon, a Fellow of the lodge, presenting “The Vatican and Freemasonry: A History of Misunderstanding?” Eight o’clock in the Jacobean Room in Masonic Hall.

Thursday, March 30 – The Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library’s lecture series will continue with DeMolay International Grand Master Bill Sardone speaking on Jacques DeMolay. 6:30 p.m. at Masonic Hall in NYC.

And in April…

Saturday, April 1 – QUEST XXXVII at Scottish Rite Masonic Hall in Rockville Centre, New York. 9 a.m. “A Way of Life.” See flier below:

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, April 5 – RW Hammer returns to New York City for a great Table Lodge:

Thursday, April 6 – The Scottish Rite Valley of New York City will host its annual Feast of the Paschal Lamb, with Ill. Richard Kessler, 33° delivering the address. This Past Most Wise Master will be there! Details here:

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

‘Tracing Boards and the Ancient Mysteries’

Angel Millar will return to the lectern at the Livingston Library’s lecture series this month. From the publicity:

Courtesy Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library

Masonic Tracing Boards
and the Ancient Mysteries
Thursday, February 23
6:30 p.m.
Chancellor Robert R. Livingston
Masonic Library
71 W. 23rd Street, 14th floor

Join us for another fascinating lecture! This month we are featuring renowned artist and author Angel Millar, who will be displaying some of his new tracing boards and discussing their symbolism. In particular, he will focus on the history of the symbols of the Craft and their significance for personal and spiritual development.

Free admission. RSVP here.
Photo ID required to enter Masonic Hall.
Suggested attire: business casual.
White wine will be served!

‘His soul is with the saints, I trust’


The Knight’s Tomb
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Where is the grave of Sir Arthur O’Kellyn?

Where may the grave of that good man be?—
By the side of a spring, on the breast of Helvellyn,
Under the twigs of a young birch tree!
The oak that in summer was sweet to hear,
And rustled its leaves in the fall of the year,
And whistled and roared in the winter alone,
Is gone,—and the birch in its stead is grown.—
The Knight’s bones are dust,
And his good sword rust;—
His soul is with the saints, I trust.

You never want to associate a trip to the Philadelphia Masonic Temple with a sad memory, but it was there last evening, in historic Lodge No. 2, meeting in Egyptian Hall, where we said our goodbyes to our friend and brother. The Pennsylvania Masonic ritual, unsurprisingly, is very effective in this regard.

This panel, on the southeast wall of Egyptian Hall, of course is highly appropriate for the funerary service. Here we see Anubis embalming Osiris. The ankh, symbolizing eternal life, would be pressed to the lips of the deceased to impart the Breath of Life needed in the afterlife.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

‘The Role of Men of Color in the Early Period of Freemasonry’

And speaking of celebrating Black History Month (see post below), Oscar Alleyne will be the guest speaker at Mt. Zion Masonic Lodge 135 in New Jersey next week. (The bio doesn’t mention it, but Oscar is a Board member in The Masonic Society.) From the publicity:

Click to enlarge.

Worshipful Brother E. Oscar Alleyne is an active Masonic lecturer, presenting on a variety of historical and philosophical topics, and is a member of various Masonic research bodies.

WB Alleyne is a Past Master of Wappingers Lodge 671 in Wappingers Falls, New York. He is a Past Commander-in-Chief at the Valley of the Hudson, AASR and the Chartering Sovereign Master of Kmt Council 511, Allied Masonic Degrees. He currently serves as the Grand Superintendent of NY for the Grand Council of AMD.

He holds a doctorate from New York Medical College and is a Senior Advisor for Public Health Programs at the National Association of County and City Health Officials in Washington, DC.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

‘Esoteric Seminar this summer’


Connecticut Freemasons have been enjoying this event for some years, but I’m just learning of it now, so I share it here. On Saturday, July 29, the brethren will meet at Ashlar Village (73 Cheshire Road in Wallingford) for a daylong offering of various classes for their communal advancement in Masonic knowledge. I’ll be sure to share the details (such as if Masons from outside Connecticut may attend) when they become available, but in the meantime, this is what they say:

Our much anticipated Esoteric Seminar is back for 2017! Much like in previous years, the schedule will consist of a keynote address and a total of nine unique classes to choose from. (Brothers will have their choice to attend one class out of the three available choices during each of the three time slots.) This Seminar will be open to any Master Mason. Please note, a current and valid dues card will be required to gain admission. More information, class details, and registration information coming soon, until then, please save the date!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

‘Pennsylvania Academy next month’

Click to enlarge.

‘205 Years of Black Masonry in New York State’

Note the address.

Click to enlarge.

Monday, January 30, 2017

‘I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition!’

There is nothing unusual about a Masonic ring sparking a conversation, or even a ring resulting in someone being brought into the Masonic fraternity, but I’ll share my story today.

In the summer of 1996, I was very busily employed as editor of a bunch of newspapers, working a minimum of 50 hours per week. Newspaper journalism, being in many ways a highly satisfying, but particularly poorly paying line of work, left me in need of supplemental income. At around that same time, Lew Rothman moved his flagship cigar store to a new location. I can no longer remember what this new site previously had been, but it was a giant building with thousands of square feet for retail space, thousands more for office space, and yet thousands more for warehouse space, and thus this became the corporate headquarters of Rothman’s tobacco wholesale and retail empire. I took a part-time job in cigar sales there at the height of what fondly is remembered as the Cigar Boom of the 1990s, working 28 hours between Friday and Sunday nights. I loved both jobs, so I really didn’t mind working the approximately 80 hours per week, a pace I would maintain for several years, even after my newspaper work left me in charge of a dozen papers.

It was a great time to be a tobacconist. The public was rediscovering the sublime joys of setting “gentle flame to fragrant leaf,” and everyone who possessed even a mild curiosity about any of it flocked to this wonderland of a cigar store with its inventory of thousands of cigars from all over Latin America and the Caribbean—including Cuba (pre-embargo Flor de Farachs). We salesmen in this store at this time comprised a faculty of cigar experts. We had our different approaches to learning about it. I myself had been an occasional smoker since the day of my high school commencement about a decade prior, doing most of my shopping at a Perkins shop in a nearby mall, and, of course, at Mr. Rothman’s previous shop a few towns over from me. But by the mid ’90s I was devouring everything I could read: Cigar Aficionado, Cigar Insider (both published by Marvin Shanken, who I would meet at the store one day), and Smoke magazine, and Pipes & Tobaccos. I was fascinated by it all and learned all I could, from the agriculture of the various cultivations of tobacco plants and the post-harvest processes inside the tobacco barns—talk about alchemy!—to the rolling, aging, packaging, and inspecting at the cigar factories. Humidors, cutters, lighters, and the skillful ways to use them all correctly. The histories of the brands, with those poor Cuban farmers who fled for their lives, bearing scarcely more than a jar of seeds, to destinations in Florida, the DR, Nicaragua, Honduras (the source of my favorite smokes), and elsewhere.

Anyone who brings forth cherished fruits from the soil of our world works miracles that merit our admiration. Their foods sustain us, timber houses us, flowers adorn, and luxuries, such as Nicotiana, can enhance innocent social pleasures. Smoking cigars can be highly enjoyable while alone, but the magic really works when cigars are taken communally. Strangers can acquaint, and friends can bond.

The crew in the gigantic humidor we worked in was a great bunch of personalities. We had our day jobs, but loved getting together to “work” at the store. Smoking Partagas 150s like they were free. I was becoming friendly with Darren, who looked about my age (actually we vaguely resembled each other), was employed as an engineer in a smart person’s profession, and preferred a lot of the same cigars and pipes as I. We had a similar work ethic in that our hands were always busy and never idle. While he was typing away on the computerized cash register, ringing up a customer, I spied his Masonic ring. At some later point, I asked about it and about his role in the fraternity. I wasn’t completely ignorant of Freemasonry; my grandfather was Master of his lodge in the 1970s, and I knew a little about the fraternity simply from being editor of many newspapers and receiving the amateur press releases and photographs from area lodges. And I had been curious about joining. In an unusual circumstance, the town where I grew up also was home to two Masonic lodges. The unusual part was how the lodges did not share a common building, but actually were located a few miles apart, which is just odd for a small suburban town. The Shriners also were around in yet a third building. Major roads were marked with those signs that lodges erect to alert Travelling Men to the locations and meeting times of the lodges. Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., I noted every time I passed one, so on a Wednesday night I visited the lodge that stood on the state highway that bisected the town. I was delighted to find that the lodge could not be reached by car from the highway. Instead one had to finagle around some side streets to access the lodge property. Having lived in town, I knew all about historic and obscure Old Road. I parked and knocked on the door.

It was July. Nobody was home.

But chatting with Darren about Freemasonry at the store repeatedly over time, my interest in the Craft kindled. I had told him about my grandfather, and Darren one night brought an old book of grand lodge proceedings to try to find something about him or his lodge. Nothing was in the record. Neither of us knew that only current members of the grand lodge were listed, whereas my grandfather had died several years earlier. More time passed with more conversation. Months. I learned that although Darren resided in central New Jersey, he was part of a lodge located 50 miles from home. That must be a special lodge, I figured.

I was waiting for him to ask me if I wanted to join; he was waiting for me to “ASK1 2B1,” or whatever that dumb bumper-sticker says. Darren clarified the matter at some point, and I said I’d love to apply. In fairly short order, I was taken to the city where his lodge was located to meet several lodge officers who looked me over, and I was given a petition to complete and return to the secretary. Several more months passed before I received a letter informing me of my election to membership, and instructing me to report to the lodge for initiation on June 18, 1997.

Lapel pin from Menorah Lodges
diamond anniversary in 1999.
To be honest, Menorah Lodge 249 was on its last legs. New Master Masons who exhibited potential and promise silently were assigned a number—being the year they would be installed in the Solomonic Chair. Darren, I think, was 2002. I was 2003. The lodge wouldn’t endure that long, but it provided a solid grounding in what Freemasonry is supposed to be about. I believe that if I had successfully stumbled into either of those two lodges in my old hometown, I would have been denied that fundamental experience and education. As you might guess, Menorah Lodge was a lodge of Jewish Masons. Some know what that entails, but to explain very briefly, it was not a place for what Stephen Dafoe would term “Freemasonarianism”—a cultural and intellectual dead zone in the guise of a Masonic lodge. Anyway, being new, I watched what Darren did, sometimes to great surprise. One night the lodge welcomed a doctor who spoke on the medical use of magnets. Something to do with the iron in our blood, if I recall. I was interested, but when the speaker mentioned he was selling magnet kits or whatever, Darren shot out of his seat and headed for the door. The speaker merely committed a faux pas; serious lodges are not supposed to host salesmen. I wasn’t offended, but Darren’s strong reaction was a learning moment, and the memory stays with me. And along the way, he and I joined the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite together in May of 1998. We had little idea of what it was, but we heard it was the “College of Freemasonry,” and college sounded good to us.

It was a long all-day event on a Saturday with, of course the initiates seated as audience members. Lodge of Perfection degrees, followed by Council Princes of Jerusalem degrees, followed by the Rose Croix Degree, and culminating with the 32º. I’ve lost track of what this degree is today, but 20 years ago it was Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and conveyed a lesson told in the fictional life of a soldier named Constans. He faced various trials of temptations in tests to become a knight, including the lure of salvation from a beckoning Catholic eminence attired in the scarlet robe and broad-rimmed hat familiar also to devotees of a certain venerable television comedy.

© Python (Monty) Pictures

Despite the gravity of the action on the stage, I leaned over to Darren and whispered—and I hereby sincerely promise and swear I did this as softly as possible—“I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition!” He and about eight guys encircling us in the theater seating cracked up laughing. I defy anyone who knows the Monty Python “Spanish Inquisition” sketch to not remember Michael Palin when they see that red get-up on someone else, no matter how solemn the occasion!

© Universal Pictures
(Speaking of great comedic actors, Darren went by nicknames involving John Belushi, thanks to a facial resemblance. Like he would use “belushi” in his e-mail address. It took me years to see it finally, but one day he posted a photo on Facebook, and at last I had to concede he had that look, at least from the Bluto Blutarsky era. It was in the eyes, brows, and nose.)

But my time in lodge with Darren would be short. Before the end of 1998, my first full year in the fraternity, he and Tabitha would leave New Jersey for a new start in Indianapolis upon his accepting a job with Rolls Royce. The days were running out. He wanted to get together during the last weekend of October for a final round of drinks with cigars, but by then I had left the newspaper business and became a press secretary to an inspiring local official who was said to be a favorite for a U.S. Senate seat in just two years. Tuesday, November 3 was Election Day for his re-election. It simply wasn’t possible for me to do anything unrelated to campaigning until the votes were counted late that night. Even worse, others from the lodge were unable to meet with him for a proper send-off. He was pretty sore about that for a time.

Part of getting settled in Indianapolis meant affiliating with a new Masonic lodge. He found Broad Ripple Lodge 643 and, in 2006, would become Worshipful Master, and then its secretary. (It’s a wonderful dose of serendipity, but in the early years of this century I became friendly with a new Mason who had just joined the Masonic Light group. He was from Broad Ripple Lodge too, and naturally he knew Darren. His name is Chris Hodapp and, before long, he and a band of merry rebels would welcome me into the Knights of the North before inviting me along for the ride with The Masonic Society.)

I do a shitty job of keeping in touch. I’ll never learn. It’s probably a psychological thing in that I prefer to be out of mind when out of sight, and I’m reluctant to bother people, even if just to say hello. Darren and I remained in contact via social media, but that is no substitute for shared whiskey and cigars, but he would keep me up to date on the good, the bad, and the ugly of life. I love getting his family holiday postcards, seeing the offspring grow and grow up.

Darren died just about 24 hours ago. He brawled with esophageal cancer (from unchecked reflux, but caught early) for the last four years of his life—trimodal therapy: chemo, radiation, surgery—alternating from blessed successes to cruel reversals. I asked him to come to New York City to see real experts but, as it turned out, one of his neighbors is one of the top surgeons for this particular treatment, and he cared for Darren at Simon Cancer Center.

Please remember Darren, Tabitha, Daniela, and Toni in your devotions. I don’t know what more to say. My friend had everything to live for. Hodapp’s eulogy is here.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

‘February philatelist degree and meeting’

The only remaining (I think) Masonic stamp club will hold its annual meeting next month, including its Master of Philately Degree. From the publicity:

George Washington Masonic
Stamp Club
Sunday, February 26
1:30 p.m.
George Washington Masonic
National Memorial
Alexandria, Virginia

The club will convene its meeting in the North Lodge Room. At 1:30 p.m. there will be a social gathering and review of covers, with the meeting to begin at two o’clock. The Master of Philately Degree will be conferred during the meeting.

At 4:45 everyone is welcome to assemble at Joe Theismann’s Restaurant, located at the bottom of the hill at 1800 Diagonal Road, for a “no host” dinner at 5:30 that is open to ladies and guests. Bro. Jacob Bressman will be the dinner-speaker (topic TBA).

Click here for membership information and other news about the club.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tours cost $10 per person, and will be available before the meeting, and possibly a four o’clock tour could be taken if the meeting concludes in time.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

‘Andrew Hammer to present Walker Lecture’

Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, president of the Masonic Restoration Foundation, and author of Observing the Craft, among other proofs of service to the fraternity, will present the Wendell K. Walker Lecture in March.

Follow the instructions on this flier:

Click to enlarge.

Friday, January 27, 2017

‘Don’t miss Masonic Con in Massachusetts’

There are so many great things happening in Massachusetts Freemasonry that I hate myself for never getting up there. I’ll probably miss this too, but there’s no reason why you should. Lots of names here familiar to Magpie regular readers.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

‘Kearsley to return to A-P 10 next month’

One of the essential Masonic lodges in New Jersey is Atlas-Pythagoras No. 10 in Westfield. Definitely check out this event next month:

Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

‘Amity for Masons wherever dispersed’


Saturday brought the long-awaited and highly anticipated Webmasters Conference at Masonic Hall in New York City. Brothers Ken, Stephen, and Brad provided a great experience where dozens of attendees learned about the practical thinking that goes into the great responsibility of hosting a website for a Masonic lodge, or district of lodges, or other Masonic group. This was a Digital Square Club event.

Diverse matters, varying from how to create a website, to what Grand Lodge expects of those websites operated by its constituent lodges, to cyber-security, with breakout sessions on public relations and social media, were hungrily received by the audience. Grand Lodge VIPs, including the Grand Treasurer, provided insights into GLNY’s specific requirements on sometimes misunderstood aspects of media management, such as photography inside the lodge room. Having a background in media myself, I don’t benefit from the Masonic Public Relations Handbook provided there as much as I do from hearing from Bro. Ed, chairman of the Technology Committee, about the Grand Lodge’s best practices on website maintenance. Some of it is common sense (e.g. no political endorsements), but some of it is not so obvious to those, like me, who are new to New York Masonry. (The Magpie Mason is not an official New York Masonry website. I’m not sure it’s on their radar screen.)

But one particular revelation from the day stands out for me. Two Freemasons have designed an app that puts considerable information power in your pocket. Named Amity, this technology is highly secure, available free of charge, and can provide global connectivity for brethren wherever dispersed over the face of the earth and water.

From communication needs of the lodge secretary to security assistance for the tiler, Amity can add a new dimension to lodge governance while also helping sojourning Masons locate meetings of regular lodges anywhere.

Read all about it here.

Monday, January 23, 2017

‘Town Hall at Masonic Hall next week’

Bro. Charles Catapano, the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York, will host a Town Hall meeting next week for the discussion of his and the brethren’s concerns and ideas on the state of the Craft and on best ways to affect improvements.

Tuesday, January 31
7:30 p.m.
Masonic Hall
71 West 23rd Street
Grand Lodge Room
New York City
Light refreshments to be served

I don’t know how common a practice this is among Masonic jurisdictions across the country, but an open forum to hear from and talk to elected leaders—particularly your future grand masters—can go a long way toward readying your lodge for the next several years.

Friday, January 20, 2017

‘Trump invokes a timeless Scriptural staple of initiations’

Alex Wong for Getty Images
No, that is not an Illuminati hand gesture.

After taking the oath of office to become the 45th president of the United States this afternoon, Donald Trump delivered his inaugural address, a speech of only 16 minutes that vowed a revival of self-governance and national self-determination, and also professed faith in God—while also invoking a verse of Scripture that should be familiar to the attentive ear of every Freemason.


“At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.”

Of course the new American president cites the first verse of Psalm 133, which is offered (in longer form) in Freemasonry’s first ceremony of initiation: the Entered Apprentice Degree:

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Psalm 133 has been a staple of initiation rites at least since St. Benedict authored his rule for monastic life 1500 years ago.

At the risk of stirring the troubled minds of all kinds of conspiracy “theorists,” I share this minor point here.