Sunday, October 23, 2016

‘Masonic Feast of Feasts next week’

It really is idiomatic to the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, but there are traditionalist-minded Scottish Rite Masons in the north who like to broaden their horizons, so the Valley of New York City will host its annual Feast of Tishri next Tuesday. From the publicity:

Scottish Rite of New York City
Feast of Tishri
Tuesday, November 1
7:30 p.m.
Masonic Hall
71 West 23rd Street

The first meeting of the Valley of New York City will be held in Banquet Rooms 2 West and 2 Central on the second floor of Masonic Hall on Tuesday, November 1, and will open promptly at 7:30 p.m.

The program for the evening will be the Feast of Tishri performed by the Knights of Saint Andrew. The keynote speaker will be Shlomo Bar-Ayal, 32°.

There is no charge for this ceremony, and it is open to all Masons and friends of Freemasonry, but reservations are required. Please respond promptly with your reservation information (including names of guests) by e-mailing here no later than Friday the 28th.

In traditional Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which adheres to the Jewish calendar, there is a celebration called the Feast of Tishri hosted in a Lodge of Perfection. Inspired by the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot (see Deuteronomy), a harvest thanksgiving, this fraternal Feast of Tishri is, in the words of Ill. Arturo de Hoyos, “the Masonic feast of feasts.”

In The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, de Hoyos writes:

“The origins and significances of the Feast of Tishri make it the most Scottish Rite of festivals. Although originally celebrated as a harvest and gathering festival, no other occasion epitomizes the character and purpose of the Rite more wholly than our historic celebration, held in conjunction with the dedication of King Solomon’s Temple (2 Chronicles 7:8-10). To marshal the meanings of the feast is to summarize the principal ideals and traditions of our Fraternity.

“First of all, we observe the Feast of Tishri because it is an age-old custom that now has the power of law. Under the Statutes of the Supreme Council, the feast is considered an obligatory observance, a sharing of our fraternal spirit.

“Secondly, the rich legendry of the Temple’s dedication, held in connection with the Feast of Tishri, is an essential part of the Fourteenth Degree. The symbolic details of the Temple’s position, design, construction, furnishing, and decoration carry special meaning as they apply to the metaphorical temple of Freemasonry built in the heart of every Brother. Through the symbols of the Temple, we learn to recommit ourselves to building Freemasonry in the hearts of men” and among nations….

“The consecration of the Temple must also be observed at the Feast of Tishri because it teaches the equality and unity of all members of the Rite. The people of Israel, unified under Solomon, were equal in their devotion to the Lord and equal in their sovereignty to all other nations. In the Feast of Tishri, all Perfect Elus and those of higher Degrees can join at the banquet table and share the bond of fraternal unity.

“Yet another reason to keep the Feast of Tishri is that such observance fosters the spirit of fellowship. We meet at a common table, express our mutual esteem, and so promote that essential bond of cordiality and respect which lightens and shares the weight of our Masonic endeavors. Such social amenities open us to each other in an atmosphere elevated beyond the sphere of normal, day-to-day communication. Within the context of the Feast of Tishri, we realize more deeply than ever before the value of our fellow men, without which the individual is lost in a self-imposed prison of human isolation.

“Finally, the law, legendry, peace, equality, unity, and fellowship of the Feast of Tishri combine to make this the Masonic feast of feasts. At the reflection table, all men—Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and others—join in a common voice of thanksgiving where every man can share his gratitude and express his sincere thanks to Him Who made all things. The Deity has given us life, the strength to live it fully, and the joy of sharing the beauty and goodness of His creation with our fellow men. Most of all, He has given us freedom. The Feast of Tishri celebrates this freedom the Israelites won with the guidance of Providence, despite the shackles of Egypt and the armies of the Philistines.

“This ancient victory celebrated in the dedication of Solomon’s Temple is kept forever fresh through our keeping of the Feast of Tishri. It promises to all men that the burdens of tyranny are temporary, that the darkness will yield to light, that knowledge will conquer ignorance, and that the Creator intended all men to be free. The message of Tishri comes to us strongly and clearly from across the ages because it has been so preserved in the symbolism and allegory of the Scottish Rite. Through our observance of this great feast of thanksgiving, we, as heirs of Solomon, perpetuate his magnificent Temple of freedom in our lives, our communities, our country and, most of all, in our beloved Rite.”

The Feast of Tishri is among the constitutional celebrations of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite-Southern Jurisdiction, and is unknown in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (where the Feast of the Paschal Lamb is hosted in proximity to Passover and Easter), but the brethren in New York City will host their Feast of Tishri nonetheless. I missed it last year, but I hope to see you next Tuesday.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

‘New Light on the Golden Dawn’

This just in from the Rose Circle Research Foundation:

Magpie file photo
Christopher McIntosh
On March 18, 2017, Rose Circle Fellow Christopher McIntosh will speak at our spring symposium in New York City, delivering a most disruptive lecture titled “New Light on the Golden Dawn.”

In the founding of the 19th century English occult society the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a key role was played by an alleged German Rosicrucian adept called Fräulein Anna Sprengel, who had the magical motto Sapiens Dominabitur Astris (the wise person overcomes their stars). In this lecture, historian Christopher McIntosh will reveal a sensational discovery that he made about Fräulein Sprengel, and will speak on its significance in the history of the Golden Dawn.

I believe this most likely will take place at Masonic Hall, but I’ll certainly share all details as they become known.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

‘The Ashmole anniversary’

Attention Freemasons, wherever dispersed:

Three hundred and seventy years ago today, renowned scholar, antiquarian, and public official Elias Ashmole was reportedly initiated into Freemasonry in England, so raise a glass and drink to the memory of our famous predecessor.

According to his notes:

Elias Ashmole (1617-92)
Oct. 16, 1646 at 4:30 p.m. “I was made a Free Mason at Warrington in Lancashire, with Coll: Henry Mainwaring of Karincham in Cheshire. The names of those that were then of the Lodge: Mr. Rich Penket, Warden, Mr. James Collier, Mr. Rich. Sankey, Henry Littler, John Ellam, Rich. Ellam & Hugh Brewer.”


‘Masonic Week schedule posted’

The Masonic Week organizing committee has published a draft of the schedule of events awaiting Masonic Week attendees next February in Virginia. Click here.

I’m happy to report the always highly anticipated Masonic Society banquet will be back on Friday night this time. It’s one of those Masonic Week events that leaves everybody kind of glowing in the aftermath—and it’s not even open bar.

We’re not yet ready to announce the keynote speaker, but I’ll certainly share that information here when the time comes.

Friday, October 14, 2016

‘Current events in the Keystone Craft’

Courtesy Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Sorry to say I will not be able to attend the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge’s Fall Session tomorrow in Elizabethtown, but there is some other news from the Keystone State to share.

Actually, first of all, the PAMK session will be streamed live. Click here at about 9:15 a.m. The first speaker should take to the lectern at 9:30.

Speaking of Elizabethtown, this just in: On Saturday, November 12, Mark Tabbert will be the guest speaker at the annual banquet of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, discussing the Masonic career of George Washington. The lodge meets at E-Town, but this affair will be hosted at the Spring Garden Conference Center in Middletown.

Only $25 per person, and you can look forward to a great meal served family style. Book your seats by e-mailing the lodge secretary here or by visiting the lodge website and paying with PayPal.

There is a somewhat new blog by and for Pennsylvania Freemasons that I learned about only this week. Masonic Rezon (if you recognize that second word, you probably know it alludes to the Grand Lodge’s book of constitutions) was launched at the end of last year, and offers this mission statement:

Welcome to the Masonic Rezon. A blog spot for the Right way to do Freemasonry. We are Pennsylvania Freemasons. We do things a little bit differently, but the big picture is still the same. This blog is solely for the purpose of expressing our feelings of what Freemasonry is about, and how we, as a fraternity, strive to make those around us better. We will be keeping our commentary open to the public and upright in discourse. We expect that those commenting do the same. I hope you enjoy what follows.

Masonic Rezon is not an academic forum, esoterica teaser, or avenue for finding one’s way into Freemasonry’s too numerous appendages. It consists of heartfelt, short writings by Craft lodge brethren who share their thoughts on real life Masonic meanings. Sometimes, when you’ve gained more experience in Freemasonry than you ever really wanted, it is healthy to reflect on intuitions and interpretations on the point of it all—such as those published here by these Masons.

Check it out here.

And finally, it was announced recently that all back issues of The Pennsylvania Freemason magazine, dating back 62 years, have been uploaded to the Grand Lodge’s website for you to enjoy. Click here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

‘Piers Vaughan reading and book signing next month’

The Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library and Museum will not host its usual fourth Thursday lecture in November, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, and instead will bring us all in on the third Thursday to hear Piers Vaughan.

Piers just published Renaissance Man & Mason, and he will come to the library for a reading and book signing on November 17 at 6:30 p.m.

That’s Masonic Hall (71 West 23 Street in Manhattan) on the 14th floor.

I’ll share more news on this when it’s announced. Read a little about Renaissance Man & Mason here.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

‘Voyage into Mystery at Mariners next week’

My Brother Mason Ari Roussimoff will be the keynote speaker next Wednesday at Mariners Lodge 67, in a meeting that will be open to friends of Freemasonry. From the publicity:

Voyage into Mystery, Chapter V:
My Travels Through Freemasonry With Art
Presented by Ari Roussimoff

Wednesday, October 12
7 p.m. for brethren
7:30 for non-Masons
Masonic Hall
71 W. 23rd Street, Manhattan
Eighth Floor, Doric Room
Black Tie for officers; business for guests

Mariners Lodge No. 67 presents the fifth chapter of our “Voyage into Mystery” lecture series, as we host legendary Masonic painter and artist Bro. Ari Roussimoff.

Ari Roussimoff, a critically acclaimed painter and film director, has been called one of the most prolific and creative artists of his generation. His paintings of Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, symbolic and Masonic themes have earned him much acclaim and they have been shown in over 80 exhibitions worldwide. He is also a member of Consolidated Lodge No. 31 in the First Manhattan District.

In this lecture, he will take us on a visual voyage using his artwork, as he expounds on the Mysteries he has encountered and illustrated the lessons he’s learned through his Freemason experience. Bro. Roussimoff hopes to spark a new interest in Masonic painting and art.

It will be followed by our legendary Maritime themed Festive Board. Menu:

  • Caesar Salad
  • Asian Orange Chicken
  • Mongolian Beef & Onions
  • Sweet & Sour Pork
  • Oriental Stir Fry
  • Wild Rice
  • Fruit Bowl
  • Water, sodas, wine, and the infamous Mariners Punch

Seating for the dinner is limited, and costs $35 per person. RSVP for the meeting and confirm your seat for the Festive Board here.

This is an event of high interest and tickets for the dinner will go fast. Once all tickets sold, all further RSVPs will be waitlisted.

Monday, October 3, 2016

‘Renaissance Man & Mason’

Piers Vaughan has a new book out as of last week. Renaissance Man & Mason is available via Amazon. From his compound overlooking the Hudson River, Piers released this announcement about an hour ago:

Piers A. Vaughan
I’m delighted to announce that my book, Renaissance Man & Mason, is now available on, and even (hint, hint to my French friends!). It contains over 20 years of talks I have given on Masonry and mysticism, frankly all over the world. It contains talks I have given in the U.S., Belgium, France, New Zealand, Romania, etc. Topics include Blue Lodge, York Rite, Scottish Rite and many aspects of esoteric schools.

The audience is really anyone who either wants to deepen his or her knowledge, and most importantly the ability to know what to look for, and is particularly aimed at new Masons as a counterbalance to those who keep saying “There are no secrets in Freemasonry!” Americans can find the book through this link. My friends in Europe and elsewhere can simply go to their amazon site and search on my name! Oh, and don’t forget to leave a nice review—if you enjoy it.

From the book’s publicity:

This series of short talks was collated from over twenty years of lecturing in Lodges and Chapters, in Europe and the United States, by a Past Grand High Priest of New York State. The author covers a broad range of topics, covering elements of Blue Lodge, York Rite and Scottish Rite, and explores both history and symbolism in this series of papers. Some go more deeply into the esoteric symbolism and the messages hidden in the Degrees. This is a book for anyone who has an interest in the Gentle Craft, of any fraternal line, and will satisfy the need of both younger members entering the Craft with a strong idea of what they wish to learn, and the mature member who seeks to make that daily advance in knowledge.

Piers A. Vaughan was born in Brighton, England, and attended Brighton College, Oxford and Cranfield Universities. He was an avid musician, singing in a local church, playing several instruments, conducting and composing; he was also a keen fencer, and enjoyed appearing in local plays. He even appeared as an extra in Star Wars and Quadrophenia!

He has an MA in Psychology, an MBA in Business Studies and an MA in Divinity. He has worked for a number of banks, including Midland, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank, living in several countries, moving to the USA in the early 1990s.

His Masonic membership began in England in 1979, and he joined a number of Orders before joining St. John’s Lodge No. 1 in New York. He has traveled extensively across the USA and in many countries abroad giving lectures on a number of topics, ranging from history to talks on the symbols and esotericism of Masonry. An interest in 18th century French Masonic Ritual led him to translate a number of important treatises and rituals into English.

He is also very involved in a number of Orders outside of Freemasonry, predominantly ones that have esoteric backgrounds, and is also the head of a church descended from the Pre-Nicene Church of Richard, Duc de Palatine.

Now I have to find my VHS of Quadrophenia!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

‘This lodge is your lodge’

The Fourth Manhattan District, known among New York Masons as “The Capital of the Metropolitan Districts,” includes a fascinating diversity of Craft lodges. For starters, there is my own lodge, Publicity 1000, and amid the others is historic St. Cecile Lodge 568—known as The Lodge of the Arts. It meets in the early afternoon because its brethren are employed in the evenings performing the theater, music, etc. of the New York City nightlife that brings us all together.

There will be a special program before its next meeting on Tuesday. From the publicity:

Our upcoming Stated Communication on Tuesday, October 4 at 1 p.m. will be preceded by a Lodge of the Arts tribute honoring Woody Guthrie’s birthday, “This Land is Your Land.” While Guthrie was not a Free and Accepted Mason (to the best of our knowledge), he certainly was a traveling man among Traveling Men, a troubadour for “brotherhood, freedom, and equality,” in solidarity with Kindred Souls & Brothers of the Craft, such as John Steinbeck.

That’s Masonic Hall, at 71 West 23rd Street, in the Empire Room on 12. (Security is pretty tight these days, so bring ID and proof of Masonic membership.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

‘Why the soul is immortal’

Another great opportunity at the School of Practical Philosophy has been announced. A day-long class on Plato’s Phaedo, replete with an outstanding Greek lunch and wine reception, is scheduled for a Sunday next month. No previous knowledge of either Plato or Phaedo is needed, so just go and enjoy, especially if you are a Freemason who ponders the immortality of souls.

This seems to me to be a follow-up class to the one I told you about two years ago.

From the publicity:

Socrates’ Last Day
Plato Study Day
Sunday, October 23
8:30 a.m. - coffee and registration
9 to 3:45 p.m. - program (wine reception follows)

School of Practical Philosophy
12 East 79th Street, Manhattan

$50 per person ($25 for full-time students),
which includes materials, refreshments,
lunch, and wine reception

Tickets available here.

Join us when we will explore Plato’s Phaedo, considered to be an accurate recounting of Socrates’ last day. In our study, we will be present with Socrates and his followers in an Athenian jail in 399 BC. He has been sentenced to death by hemlock and, when the sun sets, so will his life on earth.

Philosophy becomes alive and dramatic as we participate in the conversations that take place from dawn until dusk. We witness Socrates’ courage and compassion as he implores his friends not to fear death, and shows them how to live their remaining days more richly and happily.

Throughout, Socrates makes clear that the unexamined life is not worth living. He does not ask us to accept his views, only to honestly examine our own beliefs, values, and actions. How can we be happy, what prevents us from being so, and how can we lead useful and productive lives? We trust that as the day proceeds you will come to recognize that the counsel he offered on his last day is directly applicable to how you live your life today and tomorrow.

The day will include an opening presentation, group study sessions, light entertainment, a great Greek lunch, and more.

You are encouraged to invite family and friends. No prior knowledge of Plato is needed.

Monday, September 26, 2016

‘Washington Monument closed indefinitely’

The National Park Service closed the Washington Monument for an indefinite period, it announced today, citing nagging elevator malfunction that persists even after years of repairs made to the landmark, located on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

During Masonic Week 2009, Jim Dillman and I successfully escaped the hotel to do some sightseeing in DC, namely the National Mall and the House of the Temple. Magpie file photo

The NPS used its Facebook page this morning to say:

Despite the continuing work on the Washington Monument elevator, we have not been able to determine the causes of the ongoing reliability issues. As a result, we have made the difficult decision not to reopen the Washington Monument until we can modernize the elevator control system. The scope of work to be accomplished while the monument is closed and the duration of the closure are still being determined; we expect to have an announcement with those additional details in the next couple of weeks.

If you didn’t know, the Washington Monument was built, in part, with stones contributed by America’s Freemasons to honor their most revered brother. Others throughout the United States, as individuals and groups, also participated, but the Monument always had the distinct tie to the Masonic Order. Whether that is because it is an obelisk, or because of its placement within the formation of the nation’s most prized architecture, or what other intangible force people think they discern, the Washington Monument stands as a nexus where U.S. history and the story of Freemasonry intersect—and, true to form, the elevator is out.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

‘Prince Hall cornerstone ceremony in Jersey’

Prince Hall Freemasons will gather at Pilgrim Baptist Church in Summit, New Jersey next month to dedicate a cornerstone. From the publicity:

Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony
Sunday, October 16
12:15 to 1:30 p.m.
Pilgrim Baptist Church
77 Morris Avenue
Summit, New Jersey

It has been the custom of the ancient and honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons from time immemorial, upon due invitation, to assemble the Craft and, with appropriate ceremonies, to lay the foundation stones of Masonic edifices, churches, and other public edifices. Having accepted the invitation of Pilgrim Baptist Church to lay the foundation stone, we will convene for that purpose.

Pilgrim Baptist Church in Summit, New Jersey.

This ceremony is open to the public. Grand Lodge officers wear tails with their apron and collar of office. Brothers are dressed with the apron and collar of office.

Have you ever seen one of these celebrations? Definitely worth your while, as it offers a glimpse into a centuries-old tradition in Freemasonry that intentionally is shown to the public. Click here to read part of the Brent Morris Short Talk Bulletin on the subject.

‘Arnold Palmer, 1929-2016’

Courtesy Ezekiel Bates Lodge 1870

Golf legend and Brother Mason Arnold Palmer died today, just a few weeks after his 87th birthday, in Pittsburgh. A member of Loyalhanna Lodge 275 in Pennsylvania since 1958, Palmer is one of those Famous Masons whose name appears on all those lists of famous Freemasons, and was one who received numerous accolades and awards in the fraternity.


‘The Secret of the Golden Silence’

I’ll continue advertising events where the hosts impart mindfulness techniques and insights into mindfulness techniques because I believe in the benefits of certain practices to the individual, and to the Masonic lodge working as a group. Rosicrucians and others already employ some form of this work in their gatherings, and it is sad that almost all Freemasons are missing out. When I spoke at the Masonic Restoration Foundation’s 2015 symposium in Philadelphia, my topic was meditation exercises intended for lodge use. Among my audience of about 75, I think something like 12 or 15 raised their hands when I asked whose lodges incorporate some form of mindfulness work in their labors.

I was stunned.

Of course the attendees of any given MRF event are Freemasons who don’t waste time on the generic fraternal club pap that characterizes probably 95 percent or more of the Craft lodges in the United States, but to see 20 percent or so of that group answer in the affirmative – and then dominate the ensuing half hour of Q&A—was an answer to a prayer.

Anyway, as you may infer from what I wrote here, it is necessary to search outside the Masonic lodge to learn about mindfulness practices, and this edition of The Magpie Mason takes us to the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology on East 39th Street. It’s hard for me to think of December just yet, but on Saturday the 3rd there will be a daylong seminar based on Carl Jung’s writings on contemplative silence through a Taoist prism. From the publicity:

The Secret of the Golden Silence
Led by Royce Froehlich, Ph.D., MDiv, LCSW
Saturday, December 3
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Jung’s Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower (1929) presents his insights on the nature of consciousness in the light of Taoist thought, with a nod to Christian gnostics and mystics. In the Chinese text, Jung hears the archetypal call for contemplative silence. Whether to foster communion between one’s subjective self and a deity, the objective psyche, or to focus one’s attention on a task at hand, we are encouraged to follow Jung’s lead to quiet the mind. Contemplative techniques can offer insight to one’s personality and may contribute to a variety of therapeutic benefits for body, mind, and spirit. In Jung’s case, the application of “certain yoga techniques” contributed to the development of The Red Book.

Much of Analytical Psychology’s rich lexicon and clinical language is in this treatise on individuation and mental illness, where Jung engages the subject of we-wei (actively doing nothing), which is the “secret” of the golden flower. Resonant in the mystical thought of preacher and spiritual guide Meister Eckhart, who describes such a state of mind as Gelassenheit (letting-be-ness), the contemplative attitude of doing nothing also inspired the composer John Cage, whose work will inform this presentation. In addition, the workshop will review basic emotion regulation (mindfulness practice) techniques prescribed for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder in Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc., SW CPE, is recognized by New York State Education Department’s State Board of Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers 0350.

At completion of this workshop participants will be able to:

• Offer an overview of a key text in the development of Jung’s analytical psychology and its application in clinical practice.
• Show the relationship between analytical psychology and contemporary models of psychotherapy that include mindfulness techniques.
• Identify common elements in Jungian theory, spiritual practice, and the arts.

Royce Froehlich, Ph.D., MDiv, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst with a private practice in New York City. A graduate of Columbia University’s School of Social Work, Union Theological Seminary, the New School for Social Research, and the European Graduate School, he is on the faculty of The C.G. Jung Institute of New York, The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, and teaches in The Open Center’s Holistic Psychology certification program.

General Public: $90
Members/students: $75

Register here.

‘The Work for Awakened Attention’

The Gurdjieff Foundation of New York will offer another of its introductory events next month to explain a bit about its mystical teachings. This session, titled “The Work for Awakened Attention,” will be hosted Friday, October 7 at 6:30 p.m. inside the lecture hall of Quest Bookshop (240 East 53rd Street, between Second and Third, in Manhattan). If you want to check it out, do them a big favor and reserve your seat by e-mailing the organizers here.

After attending an introductory event, like this one, you have the option of delving a little further into the matter. On the following weekend, on Saturday, October 15, the group will host another event, including a screening of a Ken Burns film. The talk will be “A Way of Life,” and the film is Vézelay, made by Burns in 1995, and this will take place in The Sheen Center (Studio A), located at 18 Bleecker Street, from 4 to 5:30. RSVP here.

Click to enlarge.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

‘LaPlace to head MSANA’

Simon R. LaPlace
Connecticut Past Grand Master Simon R. LaPlace will become Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association of North America beginning October 1.

LaPlace will succeed George O. Braatz, the Past Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio who announced his retirement earlier this year after serving the MSANA for five years as Executive Secretary.

Launched in 1919, the MSANA serves as a clearinghouse of educational publications and demographic data, as well as fulfills philanthropic needs as an organizer of disaster-relief funding in the Masonic fraternity. It also administers its Hospital Visitation Program for the benefit of military veterans across North America.

Monday, September 19, 2016

‘Emerson’s point with circles’

The School of Practical Philosophy will host another study day to examine more writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson next month. This will be a different class from what you might have read about previously on The Magpie. From the publicity:

Emerson Study Day
Sunday, October 16
8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

$30 per person,
includes light brunch and printed materials

School of Practical Philosophy
12 East 79th Street

Click here for tickets.

Come explore the spiritual and intellectual legacy of America’s great philosopher and teacher Ralph Waldo Emerson. At this study day, we will consider selected passages from “Circles,” an essay in which Emerson expresses man’s unlimited, ever-changing and expanding nature. His words are both inspirational and fortifying, and always address a love of freedom.

From the essay:

“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth, that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn rising on mid-noon, and under every deep, a lower deep opens.”
(First Series 1841)

All are welcome. No prior study of Emerson is required.

8:30 a.m. – Sign in. Coffee.
9 a.m. – Introduction and brief history, followed by two study sessions in small groups.

Class led by Barbara Solowey.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

‘Setting out for the Masonic frontier’

The deadline for registration is near for The Masonic Society’s “Freemasonry on the Frontier” conference in California in three weeks. From the publicity:

The Masonic Society Announces
Speakers for ‘Frontier’ Conference

The Masonic Society has announced the line-up of nine speakers for its conference “Freemasonry on the Frontier” to be held October 7-9 in Morgan Hill, California. A registration form and hotel information can be found here.

“We’ve built the event around a particularly distinguished slate of speakers,” said Society President Kenneth W. Davis. “When possible, we’ve arranged topics chronologically and geographically, tracing the growth of Freemasonry from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.”

Samuel Clemens, better known as “Mark Twain,” will kick off the program with an after-dinner speech Friday evening. Brother Clemens’ talk is made possible by Jefferson H. Jordan, Jr., immediate past grand master of Masons in New Mexico.

Mark Tabbert, director of collections at the George Washington Masonic Memorial, and author of several acclaimed Masonic books, will deliver Saturday morning’s keynote address. His topic will be “George Washington and the Masonic Frontiers of the 1700s.”

Also on Saturday morning, William Miklos, past master of Northern California Research Lodge, will speak on “Masons Pushing or Pulling the Constitutional Convention,” and Moises Gomez, past grand historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, will speak on “Early Traveling Lodges of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey: Bringing Light to the American Frontier.”

Adam Kendall, collections manager and curator of exhibits for the Henry W. Coil Library and Museum at the Grand Lodge of California, and editor of The Plumbline, the quarterly bulletin of the Scottish Rite Research Society, will keynote the Saturday afternoon sessions, speaking on “Pilgrimage and Procession: The 1883 Knights Templar Triennial Conclave and the Dream of the American West.”

Also speaking Saturday afternoon will be Kyle Grafstrom, of Verity Lodge 59, Kent, Washington, and author of articles in both The Philalethes and Living Stones, on “Freemasonry in the Wild West.” Wayne Sirmon, past master of Texas Lodge of Research and instructor and fellow at the University of Mobile, will present “West by Southwest: The Expansion of Frontier Freemasonry in the Old Southwest.”

John Bizzack, fellow and board member of The Masonic Society, fellow of the Rubicon Masonic Society in Kentucky, and author of five books on Freemasonry, will deliver Saturday evening’s after-dinner speech, “The Expansion of Freemasonry into the West: The Pivotal Role of Kentucky, 1788-1810.”

John Cooper, past grand master and past grand secretary of Masons in California and current president of the Philalethes Society, will keynote Sunday morning with “Freemasonry and Nation-Building on the Pacific Coast: The California Experience.” His speech will be followed by a panel of all speakers, discussing with the audience “Freemasonry on the Frontier.”

Sunday afternoon will feature a tour of the Winchester Mystery House, with Masonic connections, and said to be haunted.

The conference is directed by Gregg Hall, member of Morgan Hill Masonic Lodge, California, and The Masonic Society’s board of directors.

Friday, September 16, 2016

‘The Resurgence of Freemasonry’

The Livingston Library is at it again, this time welcoming the Right Worshipful Grand Historian to the lectern. The library is located on the 14th floor of Masonic Hall, located at 71 West 23rd Street in Manhattan. From the publicity:

The Resurgence of Freemasonry

Join us on Thursday, September 29 at 6:30 p.m. for what is sure to be an exciting lecture! Friends and family are welcome.

In his presentation, R.W. Bro. Mark E. Koltko-Rivera argues that the last thirty years of the fraternity’s history make it clear that, unless very serious and radical changes are made to the status quo, American Freemasonry will become all but extinct within the lives of the men whom we are now initiating. Koltko-Rivera explains why this is so, how we arrived at this juncture and, most importantly, what Masons can do to not only arrest the decline of Masonry, but also to bring about the resurgence of the Craft to a state where we have more Freemasons—and stronger Masons—than we ever had in the United States.

Please RSVP here.

About the Presenter

The Right Worshipful Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, Ph.D., is the Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of New York. He is the author of the book Freemasonry: An Introduction, and the forthcoming The Resurgence of Freemasonry. He has appeared on Discovery Channel and History Channel as an expert on the American Founding Fathers and Freemasonry. He is also the founder and chief educational officer of The School of Freemasonry (, an online enterprise. Koltko-Rivera holds a doctoral degree in psychology from New York University. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and currently teaches as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Hunter College, The City University of New York (CUNY).

Thursday, September 15, 2016

‘Next Week: Knight of the Sword’

If you’re a Cousin in Knight Masonry, you ought to consider attending the meeting next week of Northern New Jersey Council, where the Knight of the Sword Degree will be conferred.

That will be Wednesday, September 21 at Pantagis Renaissance (Snuffy’s Restaurant) at 250 Park Avenue in Scotch Plains. Cocktails at six. Dinner at seven ($32 per person). Meeting will open after dinner. Contact the Scribe to let him know you are coming.

Click here to read David Lindez’s recent blog post on the subject of the degrees of Knight Masonry. The Order of Knight Masonry is a fraternity attached to the York Rite. Members are notable Royal Arch Masons who are invited to receive these “Green Degrees” that originate in Ireland.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

‘Friday the 16th’

It’s September, so our Masonic lodges are emerging from hibernation. My lodge, Publicity 1000, will hold its first meeting of the new Masonic year on Monday, and another lodge I’m fond of will meet soon to host a brother who I like too.

Atlas-Pythagoras Masonic Lodge No. 10 will welcome Oscar Alleyne as the evening’s guest lecturer next Friday. His topic will be “The Tools of Symbolism.” See the flier below, but let me add one missing detail about Oscar’s Masonic work: He serves on the board of The Masonic Society! (Try to get that in there next time, Mohamad!)

See you there.