Monday, March 23, 2020

‘A tabernacle of peace’

Meditation by Rene Magritte, oil on canvas, 1936.

The Magpie Mason hopes all of you are well and are resisting the manufactured hysteria intended to control our lives.

As of four hours ago, the Chinese Virus death toll in the United States was 400.

The number of patients here who have recovered fully was more than 101,000.

Number of patients being treated nationwide: 33,404. In a country of 330 million, that equals one one-hundredth of 1 percent.

This is not an illness that turns healthy people into corpses. The flu, however, as of last week, was estimated to have killed between 23,000 and 59,000 Americans.

All of these statistics originate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Look them up and check back daily to inoculate yourselves from the panic being foisted upon society for the most cynical and detestable motives.

It occurs to some that this new practice of self-quarantine is reminiscent of a religious custom dating to the Decalogue itself. Freemasons give Moses more attention in the Capitular chapter than in the Craft lodge, so it is of a Tabernacle of Peace that I think.

Quiet time. Pray, meditate. No travel. No commerce. Shut off the phone (after reading this). Be still. Do not try to change the world.

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