The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York has announced its summer schedule of one-week intensive classes. Registration is here. From the publicity:
Jung felt that individuals continue to develop throughout their lifespans. In our first program, we will view through the lens of analytical psychology those fundamental passages in life experience that contribute to a development of identity and consciousness. We will first receive an overview of life's transitions as seen through the concept of initiation. We will next explore various psychological passages through adolescence, parenting and mid-life and the transformation that each can bring. Finally, we will conclude the week with a discussion about the archetypal forces that shape our perception of aging in our culture.
Monday, July 6
9-10 a.m.
Registration, Welcome, and Orientation
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Paths to Transformation:
From Initiation to Liberation
C.G. Jung's intensely powerful profusion of imaginal experience during midlife impelled him to communicate with the psyche in creative ways that carried him toward a larger expression of himself and his work. This lecture and discussion will explain life transitions, employing the motif of initiation, and assist participants in gaining awareness of the messages being spoken through their own unconscious strivings to achieve a more complete and authentic expression of themselves in the world.
Instructor: Kate Burns, LPC
Tuesday, July 7
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Adolescent Passages:
Gazing Back So that We May Go Forward
Jung called myths the "first and foremost psychic phenomena that reveal the nature of the soul." As we tell, discuss, and analyze myth through the lens of adolescence, we will rediscover as adults those rare, core moments in life which help us realize that we can live again with the sense of passion in life first experienced in the adolescent world of infinite possibilities.
Instructor: G. Kwame Scruggs, Ph.D.
Wednesday, July 8
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Initiation into Parenting
Parenting is a developmental journey for the parents as well as the child. First, in becoming a couple, there's the shift from "I" to "We." Then, when the baby comes, new opportunities for individuating are opened. Finally, the letting go required as the child matures brings another opportunity. Each transition brings one through the initiation and separation stages of the journey.
Instructor: Daniel Griffin, Ph.D.
Thursday, July 9
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Mid-Life Passage:
From the Ego toward the Self
In C.G. Jung's Collected Works Volume 8, he writes "The Stages of Life," in which he put forth the psychological transition that occurred in midlife. In the second half of life, Jung emphasized the importance of consciousness and attainment of spiritual value, meaning and purpose. He felt that the second half of life held spiritual treasures yet to be discovered. Through discussion and exploration of this midlife passage from the Ego toward the Self, participants will gain an understanding of what it means to find a new or deeper relationship with the Self.
Instructor: Jane Selinske, Ed.D.
Student Dinner: 5:30 to 7:30.
Friday, July 10
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Aging, Ecology, and the Spirit of Nature
Through narratives, poetry, and dream analysis, we will explore the archetypal forces - both fierce and generative - that shape our experience in the latter half of life. Tracking correspondences between destructive attitudes toward the environment and disparaging views of aging in our culture, Dr. Costello will challenge the dominant association of aging with images of decline and portray spiritual awakening as an archetype-promoted developmental goal of the aging process. Special attention will be given to the passage into Elderhood and to the nature-based tasks of the latter part of life.
Instructor: Melanie Starr Costello, Ph.D.
In our second program, we will see how an understanding of the meaning of fairy tales can reveal archetypal patterns that illuminate our own development and affect our life choices. We will look at images of redemption, as described in Marie-Louise von Franz's classic works, and how they contribute to psychological growth. We will learn what fairy tales can tell us about the psychological tasks facing us as we mature. We will explore the development of masculine consciousness and the journey of the orphan toward wholeness. Finally, we will discuss the essential image of the Mother archetype and its role in the healing of the mother complex.
Monday, July 13
9-10 a.m.
Registration, Welcome, and Orientation
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Motifs of Redemption in Fairy Tales
In this seminar, we will explore and elaborate on a series of lectures given in Zurich in 1956 by Marie-Louise von Franz, who was a close collaborator of C.G. Jung. By following her insights, we will discover how fairy tales and particularly their images of redemption open up a way for us to engage our own personal complexes and contribute to our understanding of the process of psychological growth and individuation. We will also reflect on some core concepts of Jungian thought, such as the shadow, anima, animus, and the Self. Creative writing exercises will help us to ground some of the images in our own personal experience. Please bring a journal.
Instructor: Heide M. Kolb, MA, LCSW, NCPsyA
Tuesday, July 15
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Act II: Fairy Tales for the Second Half of Life
In most fairy tales, the young Prince and Princess marry and live happily ever after, but what really happens then? A small group of fairy tales from around the world tell us – they focus on middle-aged and older protagonists. This workshop will explore what those fairy tales reveal about the psychological and spiritual tasks of maturity – the challenge of individuation and the role of the elder in benefiting society.
Instructor: Allan B. Chinen, MD
Wednesday, July 16
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Sleeping Beauty:
Masculine Development and Consciousness
The Sleeping Beauty fairy tale offers a fascinating glimpse into the problems of masculine development especially as they relate to a holdfast patriarchal mentality. The fairy tale provides us with a solution to this problem in the new hero who is "not afraid." The core of this resolution resides in the archetypal realization of the rite of initiation by our incipient hero.
Instructor: Robert Mannis, Ph.D.
Thursday, July 16
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
The Orphan Archetype as Seen through Fairy Tales
Symbols and images that appear in fairy tales and that have a compelling interest carry a message that, when taken up and worked with, reflect the myth we are living. By engaging in this task, we are led to a synthesis of their relevance to our individuation process. The orphan theme weaves throughout many fairy tales. In this seminar, several of these tales will be highlighted and their orphan dynamics brought into focus. For the orphan, this exploration of meaning can provide the nourishment that is needed to provide an inner home to reside in, an essential container leading to an experience of wholeness. The symbols and images directly expressive of orphanhood will be illustrated through personal experience reflecting their depth of meaning.
Instructor: Rose-Emily Rothenberg, MA, MFT
Student Dinner: 5:30 to 7:30.
Friday, July 17
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2:30 to 5 p.m.
The Archetype of the Mother in Fairy Tales
and the Move to Individuation
C.G. Jung wrote that “the mother carries for us that inborn image of mater natura and mater spiritualis, of the totality of life of which we are small and helpless.” In this workshop, we will explore the Mother archetype as it is depicted in fairy tales and how the journey of the hero provides a trajectory toward the healing of the mother complex.
Instructor: Julie Bondanza, Ph.D.