Monday, September 16, 2024

‘The health of Masonic man’


The Worshipful Master of a lodge in Massachusetts is demonstrating his interest in the overall well being of his Masonic brethren. From the publicity:

Men’s Health Group

W. Bro. Brian M. Fernandes, Master, Star in The East Lodge, is launching an important initiative to help men better understand and manage their Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health.

The inaugural meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17 at 7 p.m. in the New Bedford Masonic Building, 435 Count St.

Tomorrow’s meeting will feature Dr. and Brother Robert J. Caldas, DO, speaking on the steps we can take to improve physical health.

The meeting is open to all men, whether Masons or not, and will take place in person. Future meetings will include an option for participating via Zoom.

Sorry for the late notice. I just heard about this. If this subject interests you, and you are located in the New York City area, you should attend Masonic Con New York in January.

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