Monday, August 5, 2024

‘Simpsonic degree at Buffalo’


There’s nothing wrong with making a little time for frivolity, and the Erie County Masons are going to lampoon the Simpsonic parody of Freemasonry. Yes, that’s right, a “Stonecutters Degree” and rib dinner (they ain’t saying what kind of rib) is being planned for August 24.

Unluckily, I’ll be in Philadelphia with the Masonic Restoration Foundation, but if you’re able to be there, it certainly sounds like a fun end-of-summer occasion.

Call 716.668.2755 for tickets.

(Don’t ask me about the malaprops in the advertisement.)


  1. I am interested in becoming a member and I try more than three times I wish one day yes I can become a member I never give up l try again and again am from Tanzania county in East Africa

  2. I don’t know if there is a lodge near your home, but look over this list:

    Good luck!
