Sunday, June 16, 2024

‘UGLE: Enough of this fake narrative’


England’s Masonic grand lodges shall remain single-sex, according to a story today in The Telegraph.

They’ve really got a scoop here, blowing the lid off this elusive mystery kept under wraps by the secret societies. The venerable news outlet cites the speech by the United Grand Lodge of England’s Pro Grand Master during the Quarterly Communication last week.

“There have been two recurring themes from different journalists,” RW Jonathan Spence is quoted saying. “The first is the claim that Freemasonry in this country is a male-only activity and therefore inherently wrong, non-inclusive and misogynistic. The second is, once again, a focus on the alleged lack of transparency relating to Freemasonry and yet another push to require full declaration of our membership almost in all circumstances.”

“Brethren, we have all had enough of this fake narrative and we should state clearly and unambiguously what Freemasonry is,” he added. “We have a proud tradition as a secular, non-religious, non-political, lawful and law-abiding activity in the United Kingdom, as it is elsewhere in the world. Freemasonry is proud of its history of inclusivity and for the last three centuries, we have welcomed members from all walks of life, regardless of religion, ethnicity, sexuality or socioeconomic background.”

“Across the world, most nights, in Freemasons’ lodges, these groups of people come together to enjoy their Freemasonry, united in their commitment to our core values, which this Grand Lodge articulates as integrity, friendship, respect and service,” he also said. “These values are based on long-established Enlightenment values and Freemasonry has fundamental ideals including liberty, tolerance, constitutional government and a meritocratic society.”

The Telegraph’s Steve Bird discovered the secret speech on the furtive fraternity’s website. Click here.

This boring non-story has been churning in the media for several weeks since the Garrick Club voted to admit females to its membership, and a brilliant super-genius in the House of Lords asked What about the Freemasons? Read more about that here. Since then, the UGLE and the two female grand lodges have issued joint statements affirming their rights to keep the same-sex memberships they choose.

Click here to read The Telegraph story.


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