Tuesday, June 4, 2024

‘My thanks to Eureka Chapter’

On the night before Eureka Chapter’s convocation, we went to Winter Garden Lodge 165 for its Fellow Craft Degree. A great night!

My thanks to Eureka Chapter 7 of Royal Arch Masons in Orlando, Florida for hosting me for a talk. I got bumped from the original March 7 convocation in favor of Juan Sepulveda—and, really, who could blame them?—but they got me there, wined and dined me, and hopefully enjoyed my presentation on what Jewish mystical writings known collectively as the Zohar say about certain Royal Arch symbols.

The meeting at Eureka was fun for me. I actually was drafted into an officer’s chair only to find the Opening and Closing rituals used are from the General Grand Chapter, so they are short and sweet compared to what I know from my chapter. A nice turn-out with about twenty Royal Arch Masons in attendance, including, I’m told, several who hadn’t been seen in some time.

Anyway, to summarize my talk, titled “Mystical Interpretations of Royal Arch Symbols,” as quickly as possible:

➤ In the absence of the Temple in Jerusalem, there is no High Priest, and consequently we each must be our own High Priest and govern ourselves accordingly.

➤ The Ark of the Covenant is described in the Book of Exodus as being covered in gold inside and out, which should remind us, as Royal Arch Masons, to be the same people inside and out. To be “good as gold” by letting our spiritual work give shape to our thoughts, words, and deeds so we are not projecting false images of ourselves and concealing weaknesses and failings.

➤ Of the Cherubims atop the Ark, they play a role as a conveyance of communications. The lesson I relayed to the companions was a reminder that when prayers fail to reach the Heavens on their own, these golden angels represent angels who carry prayers to the Upper World. In our labors, we must have the right intentions to produce the right actions that are worthy of the correct angels to connect us to the Upper World.

➤ And the Tabernacle itself? As the Holy of Holies, where the Ark was placed, was separate from the rest of the Tabernacle, we should understand the need to distinguish what is special in life from what is ordinary. Observe the sabbath of your faith as best you can. Observe your holidays likewise. Even the new moon each month is a reason for renewal. Don’t waste these opportunities to jumpstart your spiritual life.

There was more, like the High Priest’s garments and breastplate, among other things. And the Q&A was lively and even fun, thanks to a few companions who already knew where I was going with this material. Somehow we all forgot to take the obligatory group photo because of the engrossing discussion.

I am grateful to Franklin and Ivan for the invitation and for all the first class care I received during this, my first visit to Florida. Even the weather cooperated. As part of his babysitting duties, Franklin took me to a few local spots that got my attention.

The Morse Museum is home to a vast collection of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s glorious crafts. I shot dozens of photos, but I’ll share just a few:

The Tree of Life is a massive leaded glass window made from 1928 to 1931 for his country home, Laurelton Hall, near Oyster Bay. After Tiffany’s death in 1933, avid collectors Hugh and Jeannette McKean purchased as many pieces as possible, which now comprise the Morse Museum collection.

Detail of the Science panel of The Tree of Life.

Detail of the Creation panel of The Tree of Life.

Madonna and Child window.

We also visited Prometheus Esoterica, which is kind of like a smaller version of Morbid Anatomy in Brooklyn. It’s a retail business, but one that has oddities and faux occultism stuff. Lots of Baphomets! There also is a surprising number of Masonic pieces as décor and for sale:

Prometheus Esoterica displays a noticeable number of Masonic pieces, especially Shrine and Templar stuff.

Hanging in the washroom(!) is this A&ASR-SJ 32° certificate. Ill Aaron Shoemaker translates: ‘We, the Inspector Generals, testify through these Letters Patent that our well-deserving Brother, Joseph Landon Fincher born forty-nine years ago and residing in Pensacola, Florida, whose name is subscribed in the margin by his own hand, holds the rank of THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE SECRET MASTER (Master of the Royal Secret) of the same Rite. Therefore, we exhort and beseech all Freemasons residing anywhere beyond the borders of our jurisdiction to recognize our Brother in his dignity and to extend the same observance toward their fellow brethren within our jurisdiction.’

Another fez, but at right is one of the big copies of Manly P. Hall’s Secret Teachings.

Also, the night before the chapter convocation, we went to Winter Garden Lodge 165 for a Fellow Craft Degree. And expertly conferred it was. The Past Master who sat in the East was the father of one of the Apprentices being passed. At the end, the new Fellows were asked for their thoughts on what had just transpired. They handled the question with humor and impressive insight, considering they were put on the spot after a hefty ritual and pretty late at night. Also, it was the 94th birthday of the Brother Tyler!

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