Monday, June 1, 2020

‘Build Your Inexpensive Masonic Library’


Every month, Open Lectures on Freemasonry takes to Zoom to share with viewers a, well, lecture on Freemasonry. This month, John Belton will present “Build Your Inexpensive Masonic Library.” From the publicity:

Open Lectures on Freemasonry
Saturday, June 27
2 p.m. Eastern
“Build Your Inexpensive
Masonic Library”
Presented by John Belton
Register here

The world of the written word has changed at a phenomenal speed over the past couple of decades, and in these days of Covid-19, when so many are locked down at home, it is possible to see rare Masonic documents in the near flesh, and to do serious research while sitting at home. The aim is to display the options from a modern “print on demand” production line, and to show where you can find 300-year-old books to download. You too can build yourself a digital Masonic library!

John Belton is a member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076 in London, and he is the author of the books The English Masonic Union of 1813: A Tale Antient and Modern, Dudley Wright: Writer, Truthseeker & Freemason, and the anthology A Questioning Eye on Freemasonry. His main interests are for exploring those less travelled angles to (Masonic) history that often prove the most fascinating. Professionally, John started work as a microbiologist, then changed to marketing and worked for the pharmaceutical company Astra-Zeneca.

Only registered users could get an invitation which will be sent two days before the lecture date. Please note that the size of the audience is limited by technical capacities.

OpenLFM is an independent, informal, and benevolent initiative unrelated to any Masonic body or scientific institution. It is a collaboration of a researchers’ group with different formations, and coming from various parts of the world.

In this era, where the printed and manuscript word becomes ever more available through digital technology, new wider panoramas for the curious can open. OpenLFM, through its online lecture series on Freemasonry given by prominent scholars, will aim to demonstrate a range of new perspectives for academics, Freemasons, or simply the curious.

Lectures are audible, within technical limits, to those who are interested in the topic to be presented. Participation requires prior registration. Registration is free of charge. Registered users will be invited to OpenLFM Googlegroups and will be informed about forthcoming activities. OpenLFM beholds the right to reject any registration with no further explanation.

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