Tuesday, November 24, 2015

‘2016 Prestonian Lecture in New Jersey’

New Jersey Lodge of Masonic
Research and Education No. 1786

Proudly Presents

The 2016 Prestonian Lecture

New Light on the Formation and
Early Years of the Grand Lodge
of England

Presented by Bro. Richard Berman
United Grand Lodge of England

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Stage House Tavern
366 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains

$49 Per Person

by Advance Payment

PayPal $51 (includes transaction fee)
to: masonicrsvp@gmail.com

Or bring your $49 check, payable to NJLORE 1786,
to our December 12 meeting.

Be among the first in the world
to hear the 2016 Prestonian Lecture!

Deadline for reservations: Thursday, January 7


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