Sunday, September 13, 2015

‘Traubenfest 2015’

I haven’t actually seen an official announcement for Traubenfest yet, but I have seen other sources discuss it, so I’ll go ahead and state here that Traubenfest 2015 is scheduled for Sunday, October 4—just three weeks away—at German Masonic Park in Tappan, New York.

Magpie file photo
The celebration of German culture—the 125th annual, if I’m not mistaken—will be hosted by the Ninth Manhattan District, home to New York Freemasonry’s German heritage lodges, and it is a great day of German food, German beer, and German music. It usually does take place on the same date as Grand Master’s Day in Tappan, and that is another reason I’m willing to say October 4 is right—but hopefully the organizers will offer news for dissemination soon.

German Masonic Park is located at 89 Western Highway, only about a mile from DeWint House, where Grand Master’s Day will be hosted that afternoon, but that event will end early enough to allow for ample enjoyment of the rest of the day at Traubenfest, which runs from noon to six o’clock.

It’s a great time—family friendly and all that—and every chance I have attended these past five or six years the weather has been perfect. See you there.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying Traubenfest right now as I peck out this message on my phone, and despite the dire warnings of storms this weekend, the weather in Tappan today is sunny, mild, and perfect.
