Monday, February 9, 2015

‘At the C.G. Jung Foundation’

I just wanted to share this partial list of upcoming workshops and classes offered by the C.G. Jung Foundation in the coming weeks and months. The foundation is located at 28 East 39th Street in Manhattan. Click here to register.

Restoring Wholeness: The Symbolism
of the Kabbalah and the Repair of the Soul
Saturday, February 28
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Led by 
Richard Kradin, MD

In his late works, C.G. Jung exhibited a keen interest in alchemy, arguing that in many instances the alchemical work was in fact directed at the purification of the soul. Although Jung was acquainted with many of the symbols of the Kabbalah, he did not systematically examine its comparable role as a cure of the soul.

While esoteric symbolism of the Kabbalistic texts is difficult to penetrate, it is abundantly clear that the aim of the Kabbalists was to revivify the soul and to recreate personal connection with the divine by focusing on a re-visioning of the one’s daily efforts and meditations. It is also evident that this system shares much with Jung’s approach to the harmonization of the psyche as discussed in Jung’s last treatise Mysterium Coniunctionis.

In this workshop, we will review the history, symbolism, and practices of the Kabbalists with emphasis on how their approach pertains to the restoration the ego-Self axis. Dream imagery and active imagination will be adopted for the purpose of illustrating how Kabbalah and Jungian analysis are in fact parallel traditions.

Richard Kradin, MD is a Jungian psychoanalyst, and professor at Harvard Medical School who practices at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is the author of Pathologies of the Mind/Body Interface, The Placebo Response, and The Herald Dream. He is the recipient of the Gravida Prize for his paper, “The Psychosomatic Symptom: A Siren’s Song,” published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology.

Finding Spiritual Gold
in the Second Half of Life
Saturday, March 14
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Led by
 Jane Selinske, Ed.D., LCSW, LP

C.G. Jung was one of the first to unite psychology and spirituality in his work and he is often referred to as the father of the “second half of life psychology.” Jung treated many patients during his career and stated “there had never been one in the second half of life whose problem in the last resort was not finding a religious outlook on life.” He felt the second half of life had spiritual treasures yet to be discovered. In his Collected Works Volume 8, Jung wrote “The Stages of Life,” in which he put forth the psychological transition that occurred in midlife. In the second half of life Jung emphasized the importance of consciousness and attainment of spiritual value, meaning and purpose.

In Finding Spiritual Gold in the Second Half of Life, participants will be assisted to understand what it means to find a new or deeper spiritual outlook on life. Dependence upon the ego in the first half of life needs to be replaced by a relationship to the Self and a living out of an awareness of one’s potential through the individuation process. According to Jung, “Individuation is the life in God, as mandala psychology clearly shows.” Ultimately, by tapping into the wisdom of Jung’s second half of life stage, attendees will join with the secret our ancestors knew: that as the body declines, the presence of soul rises into consciousness.

Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, MT-BC, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Montclair, New Jersey, a practitioner of Mandala Assessment, and a Board Certified Music Therapist. She is on the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, the Institute for Expressive Analysis in New York and the C.G. Jung Foundation.

What is Creative Living?
5 consecutive Mondays
7 to 8:40 p.m.
Beginning February 23
Instructor: David Rottman, MA

What does Jung have to say about self-expression, rewarding relationships, fulfilling work, and living with a sense of meaning and purpose in life? These harmonious dimensions of human experience have an archetypal basis just as much as anything else. In this course, we will explore what depth psychology has to say about how we can augment the free energy of our consciousness, to create a more abundant and vital life.

Archetypes of the Feminine
in Ancient Images and Mythologies
5 consecutive Tuesdays
6:30 to 8:10 p.m.
Beginning February 24
Instructor: Ilona Melker, LCSW

“Nature must not win the game,
but she cannot lose.”
- Jung

We will begin our exploration of archetypes of the Feminine with images from the Neolithic period, followed by a look at the Phyrgian Cybele, who emerges as Demeter in ancient Greece, and Magna Mater in Rome. Then we will turn our attention to Mesopotamia and the myths concerning the Goddess Inanna. Finally, we will consider her struggles and confrontation with the emerging hero archetype as it is told in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The class will rely on readings from: 
In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele by Lynn E. Roller; 
Inanna Lady of the Largest Heart, Poems translated by Betty De Shong Meador; and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

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