Friday, May 7, 2010


The Magpie Mason loudly and proudly congratulates brethren and friends who have been elected or appointed to grand rank during this season of grand lodge annual communications and installations.

RW Bro. Bill Thomas was elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of New York! Wonderful!

RW Bro. Ben Hoff is the new Grand Historian in the Grand Lodge of New Jersey! Excellent choice!

VW Bro. Marco is the new Junior Assistant Grand Lecturer in the First Manhattan District of New York! Perfect choice!

RW Bro. Robert Barrows is the Grand Organist of the Grand Lodge of New York! Bravo Maestro!

RW Bro. Harvey Eysman is Proctor Emeritus in New York! Outstanding!

(There may be others, but I haven’t heard about them yet.)

Have a great year brethren.

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